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2014-12-23 22:32| 发布者: sisu04| 查看: 10| 评论: 0|来自: 外交部

摘要: Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Hua Chunying’s Regular Press Conference on December 23, 2014


Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Hua Chunying’s Regular Press Conference on December 23, 2014




Q: Uzbekistan held an election of the Legislative Chamber of the Supreme Assembly on December 21. What are China’s comments on this?




A: China congratulates Uzbekistan on the smooth running of its parliamentary election. At the invitation of the Uzbek Central Election Commission, China sent an observation mission to Uzbekistan. The Chinese mission spoke highly of the election which was held in a democratic, open and transparent way and fully demonstrated openness and inclusiveness of the Uzbek political process. As a friendly neighbor and strategic partner of Uzbekistan, China sincerely wishes for greater achievement by the Uzbek people in the course of national development.




Q: There are reports saying that China Unicom is the main service provider to DPRK’s network. Can China provide more details about the Internet outage in the DPRK? The American side has required China to send a message to the DPRK that the hacker attack it launched against America is unacceptable, but the Chinese side hasn’t responded to the US yet. The American side also asked the Chinese side to find out if there are DPRK hackers working in China, and if there are, to send them back to the DPRK. But China has no response to that either. Why is that? Besides, the DPRK said that it hoped to carry out joint investigation with the US, but the US has not answered to that call. What are China’s comments on this?




A: I have no information on that. China holds a clear and consistent position on maintaining cyber security. As I said yesterday, China is against all forms of cyber attacks and cyber terrorism, including cyber attacks launched by any country or individual by using facilities beyond its own national borders against a third country. China’s stand is pretty lucid.




We notice the statement made by the DPRK side, and we hope that the US and the DPRK can communicate on this matter.




Q: There are media reports saying that China is likely to be involved in the Internet outage in the DPRK. What is your comment on this?




A: You mentioned that some media use speculative words such as “likely” in their reports. Reporting based on assumptions instead of factual grounds is irresponsible and unprofessional. We hope that media concerned can say more and do more things that will help increase mutual trust of all parties and advance international constructive cooperation on cyber security.




Q: It is reported that China will send a 700-strong United Nations (UN) peacekeeping mission to South Sudan early next year. This will be the first time for China to send an infantry battalion to UN peacekeeping operation. What significance does it bear?




A: At the invitation of the UN, China will send 700 peacekeeping infantry troops to South Sudan, the first time that China sends a peacekeeping infantry battalion to UN peacekeeping operation. This shows the importance China attaches to safeguarding international peace and security and the support China extends to the UN, and demonstrates that China is taking a more extensive and in-depth part in peacekeeping operations. It is also a proof of China taking international responsibility as a major country.




Being a firm supporter and active participant of UN peacekeeping operations, China contributes the most peacekeepers among the five permanent members of the UN Security Council. China has sent nearly 30,000 peacekeepers to UN peacekeeping operations. As we speak, there are over 2,100 Chinese peacekeepers performing their duty in conflicting areas. With the growth of China’s national strength, we will continue to staunchly support and participate in more UN peacekeeping operations, and make more and new contributions to safeguarding world peace and security.




Q: China expressed opposition to the discussion of the human rights record of the DPRK in the UN Security Council, but the DPRK situation is still added to the agenda of the Security Council. Does China have anything to say about this?




A: China is opposed to putting the DPRK situation on the Security Council’s agenda under the excuse of human rights issue. It is China’s consistent position that human rights issue should not be politicized nor be used as an excuse to pressure other countries. The Security Council is not an appropriate place to step in human rights issue. It should focus on addressing issues that are genuinely relevant to world peace and security.




The situation on the Korean Peninsula is still complex and sensitive. We hope that members of the Security Council and relevant parties can put more weight on promoting denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula and safeguarding peace and stability of the Peninsula, do more things that are conducive to easing the situation, and refrain from any words or actions that may escalate the tension.





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