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2014-12-26 00:53| 发布者: sisu04| 查看: 12| 评论: 0|来自: 外交部

摘要: Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Hua Chunying’s Regular Press Conference on December 24, 2014


Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Hua Chunying’s Regular Press Conference on December 24, 2014




Q: The third cabinet under the administration of Shinzo Abe will be formed today. What is China’s comment on that? What are China’s expectations for China-Japan relations?




A: We noticed that Japan will form a new cabinet. The Chinese side will deal with relevant issues in accordance with diplomatic conventions.




Maintaining the enduring, stable and sound development of China-Japan relations is in the fundamental interests of the two countries and the two peoples. China holds a consistent position that bilateral relations between China and Japan should be advanced in the spirit of learning from the history and facing up to the future on the basis of the four political documents between the two countries. It is our hope that the Japanese side can meet us halfway, earnestly implement the four-point principled agreement, and make continuous efforts to improve and develop bilateral relations. Meanwhile, we also hope that Japan can stay on the path of peaceful development and contribute constructively to regional peace, stability and development.




Q: Concerning the hacker attack against Sony Pictures, the US side said that it would make certain form of “response” to the DPRK, and the controversial film The Interview would meet the audience as scheduled. What is China’s comment on this? Will China help the US investigate the case at its request?




A: We have noted relevant reports. It is hoped that parties concerned can keep calm and exercise restraint, and properly address relevant issues.




China holds a clear and consistent stand on safeguarding cyber security. We are opposed to any form of cyber attack and cyber terrorism conducted in any way. Given the anonymous and transnational nature of cyber attacks, conclusion must be drawn based on sufficient, professional and complete factual grounds. We will only make our judgment based on facts, and deal with relevant issue in compliance with principles of international law and domestic law of China.




Q: First, 21 people were apprehended by the Chinese police when attempting to sneak across China’s border with Vietnam. Do you have more details? Has the Chinese government been in touch with its Vietnamese counterpart on this? Second, the ROK side said that it was seeking cooperation of the Chinese authority to deal with the cyber attack on its nuclear power plant operator. Does China know about this? Will you cooperate with the ROK side on this matter?




A: On your first question, I have no specifics, but I can tell you in principle that illegal immigration disturbs the normal international order of entry and exit, and undermines the common interests of the international community. China is consistent and firm in combating illegal immigration, and advocates normal personnel exchanges in accordance with law. This is also the consensus shared by a majority of countries in the world. China is willing to join hands with our neighboring countries and countries concerned to fight against illegal immigration crimes and safeguard security and stability of all countries and the region.




On your second question, I am not aware of the specifics. China’s principled position is consistent. The Chinese side is firmly against all forms of hacking activities. Hacker attack is an issue faced by the entire world. We are ready to carry out constructive dialogue and cooperation with all countries to rise up to this challenge.




Q: According to media report, Myanmar villagers protesting against the Letpadaung mining project collided with the local police. One local woman was killed and many others injured. Will this incident influence the development of the mining project?




A: We have taken note of relevant reports and the statement made by the company concerned. We express our concern and regret over the injuries and death, and hope that the incident can be properly handled.




I’d like to underscore that China and Myanmar have been friendly neighbors through the years, and that mutually beneficial cooperation meets the common interests of the two parties. The Chinese government always requires Chinese companies investing overseas to abide by local laws and regulations, honor their social responsibilities and obligations and focus on environmental protection. The Chinese side is ready to work with the Myanmar side to conduct cooperative projects that are mutually beneficial, prompt local economic and social development and benefit the two countries and the two peoples.




Q: On December 22, Tunisia’s independent high authority for elections released the initial result of its presidential run-off. Leader of the Nidaa Tounes party Beji Caid Essebsi won the election. What is China’s comment on this?




A: China applauds the smooth presidential election in Tunisia and its political transition process that is coming to a successful end, and sends congratulations to Mr. Essebsi. China hopes that Tunisia can make further strides to realize long-lasting stability, prosperity and development of the country, and stands ready to work in concert with the Tunisian side to advance the friendly relations of cooperation between the two countries.





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