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2014-12-26 01:13| 发布者: sisu04| 查看: 11| 评论: 0|来自: 外交部

摘要: Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Hua Chunying’s Regular Press Conference on December 25, 2014


Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Hua Chunying’s Regular Press Conference on December 25, 2014




Q: US Secretary of State John Kerry issued a written statement on December 24, urging the Chinese government to release Liu Xiaobo and others and expressing concerns about China’s human rights situation. How does China respond to this?




A: China is a country under the rule of law, and China’s judicial organs deal with relevant case in compliance with law. We advise the US side to practice self-examination, put right its own behaviors that violate human rights, and refrain from interfering in other country’s domestic affairs under the pretext of human rights issue, acting as a judge of other countries or infringing upon other country’s judicial sovereignty and independence.




Q: The year 2014 is coming to an end. Can you brief us on the visits by President Xi Jinping and Premier Li Keqiang in the upcoming year? Where will they go for their first visits in 2015? What activities will they attend?




A: 2014 has witnessed the brilliant performance of China’s diplomacy that keeps creating highlights. Yesterday, Foreign Minister Wang Yi attended the opening ceremony of the symposium on international landscape and China’s diplomacy in 2014 jointly held by China Institute of International Studies and China Foundation of International Studies, and delivered a speech entitled A Review of 2014: A Year of Bumper Harvest for China’s Diplomacy. Foreign Minister Wang gave a full and systematic explanation about the new progress made and new dimensions opened by China’s diplomacy in 2014 and reviewed a series of major new steps taken by China in 2014. Under the new circumstances, China positively explored and innovated theory and practice of international relations, took on an active role in the process of global economic and financial governance, carried out friendly exchanges with major directions of the world, pushed forward peaceful settlement of various regional hot-spot issues and provided service and created good environment for development within China. From these we can have a clue about some new thinking of China’s diplomacy next year.




As for the arrangement for Chinese leaders’ first visits next year, we will release the information in due course.




Q: The Iranian Foreign Minister reportedly said that Iran aims to strike a lasting and comprehensive agreement on its nuclear issue that guarantees its right to peacefully develop nuclear energy. What is China’s comment on this?




A: With the concerted efforts of parties concerned, recently there has been some proactive progress in negotiations on a comprehensive agreement on the Iranian nuclear issue. Upon approval of all parties, the next round of negotiations at the director-general level will be held in the mid of January, 2015. The Chinese side believes that parties concerned should set great store by the good momentum shown in current negotiations, adhere to the consensus reached in the previous stage of negotiations, focus on and narrow the differences and make political decisions at an early date. It is also our hope that relevant proposals and solutions concerning the focal issues put forward by the Chinese side in the last round of negotiations can help all parties patch up differences and enter into a comprehensive agreement that is mutually beneficial and win-win to all as soon as possible.




Q: Russia’s economy has recently grabbed international attention, and as a neighbor to Russia, China’s reaction was also followed closely. Will China help Russia? Have China and Russia talked about this?




A: Foreign Minister Wang Yi talked about the current situation faced by Russia and China-Russia cooperation in an interview which attracted broad attention. As comprehensive strategic partners of coordination, China and Russia have always been delivering support and assistance to each other. We believe that Russia has capacity and wisdom to overcome the current economic difficulties. If the Russian side has any need, China is willing to come to its help to the best of our capability.




Q: The US and Cuba recently initiated consultations to normalize bilateral relations. What impact will this bring to Sino-US and Sino-Cuban relations?




A: We notice that American and Cuban leaders delivered speeches on prompting the normalization of bilateral relations and agreed to take concrete measures to this end. China applauds and supports efforts made by the US and Cuba to normalize bilateral relations, and hopes that the US side can remove its embargo on Cuba as soon as possible. The Chinese side will continue to develop friendly relationship of cooperation with Cuba as always.





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