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2014-12-27 00:31| 发布者: sisu04| 查看: 43| 评论: 0|来自: 外交部

摘要: Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Hua Chunying’s Regular Press Conference on December 26, 2014


Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Hua Chunying’s Regular Press Conference on December 26, 2014




At the invitation of Foreign Minister Mahendra Bahadur Pande of Nepal and Foreign Minister Abul Hassan Mahmood Ali of Bangladesh, Foreign Minister Wang Yi will pay an official visit to Nepal and Bangladesh from December 26 to 29.




During his visit to Nepal from December 26 to 27, Foreign Minister Wang Yi will meet with President Ram Baran Yadav and Prime Minister Sushil Koirala respectively, and hold talks with his counterpart Mahendra Bahadur Pandey. During his visit to Bangladesh from December 28 to 29, Foreign Minister Wang Yi will meet with President Abdul Hamid, Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina and head of the Bangladesh Nationalist Party Khaleda Zia, and hold talks with his counterpart Abul Hassan Mahmood Ali.




Both Nepal and Bangladesh are neighbors of long-lasting friendship with China. Next year marks the 60th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and Nepal, as well as the 40th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and Bangladesh. China expects to implement the important consensus reached between leaders of China and Nepal, and China and Bangladesh, map out commemorative activities to be held next year, extend bilateral cooperation in economy and trade, connectivity and people-to-people exchanges, and further boost China-Nepal and China-Bangladesh relations.




Q: The US, the ROK and Japan will sign a memorandum on sharing the confidential intelligence concerning the DPRK’s nuclear weapons and missile programs. What is China’s comment on this?




A: We have taken note of relevant report. The situation on the Korean Peninsula has been generally appeased, but it is still rather vulnerable. We expect relevant parties to do more things that can help promote dialogue and mutual trust, and safeguard peace and stability of the Peninsula and the region, instead of the opposite. This is in the common interests of all parties concerned.




Q: Some media report says that Russia exported crude oil to China at a price higher than the international oil price in November, thus making China the biggest loser in this round of global oil price fluctuations. What is China’s comment on this?




A: Over recent years, China and Russia have carried out smooth cooperation in long-term crude oil trade thanks to the joint efforts made by the two countries and companies. Such cooperation is mutually beneficial and win-win to both parties. As far as I am concerned, relevant cooperation pacts sealed between China and Russia stipulate that the crude oil pricing formula is pegged to the international oil price and fluctuating in line with the international oil price. What you said about the price of Russia’s exported crude oil to China is not true. There is no winner or loser in China-Russia cooperation in crude oil. There are only mutual benefits and win-win results.




China and Russia are comprehensive strategic partners of coordination with energy cooperation being a priority in their pragmatic cooperation. The Chinese government supports companies from the two countries in further expanding and deepening mutually beneficial cooperation in the field of energy such as oil and gas.




Q: The film The Interview was shown in the US in a limited number of theaters starting from yesterday. A pirated version of this film with Chinese subtitles has been available on some Chinese websites. Does the Chinese side know about this? Has the DPRK complained about this to the Chinese side?




A: I have read the report that some American theaters have shown the film The Interview. We hope that parties concerned can keep cool-headed and exercise restraint, and properly deal with relevant issues.




I am not aware that there is a pirated version of this film on some Chinese websites as you mentioned. You are welcome to provide us with more information if you have. The Chinese government resolutely cracks down on any piracy activity.




Q: Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif of Pakistan convened a congress of all political parties the other day, where a national action plan against terrorism was adopted. The plan includes severely cracking down on terrorism and stemming the spread of terrorism and extremism thinking. What is China’s comment on this?




A: The Chinese side is against all forms of terrorism. We staunchly support Pakistan in conducing anti-terrorism strategy based on its own realities and welcome the adoption of national anti-terrorism action plan. The Chinese side will continue to help the Pakistani government and its people in their efforts to combat terrorism and safeguard national security to the best of our capacity.




Q: Do you think the film The Interview is good or bad to regional peace and stability and denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula?




A: This film is controversial and has caused some problems. We hope that parties concerned can keep calm and exercise restraint and handle relevant issues in a proper fashion.





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