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2014-12-30 00:37| 发布者: sisu04| 查看: 141| 评论: 0|来自: 外交部

摘要: Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Hua Chunying’s Regular Press Conference on December 29, 2014


Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Hua Chunying’s Regular Press Conference on December 29, 2014




Vice President Li Yuanchao will travel to Brazil upon invitation as President Xi Jinping’s special envoy to attend the inauguration ceremony of President Dilma Rousseff for her reelection.




Upon mutual agreement, the 1st Ministerial Meeting of the China-CELAC Forum will be held in Beijing from January 8 to 9, 2015. Foreign ministers and representatives of China and CELAC members will attend the meeting. Leading officials of regional organizations and institutions in Latin America will also sit in on the meeting.




Q: You just announced that the 1st Ministerial Meeting of the China-CELAC Forum will soon be held. Can you brief us on the background, the theme and the agenda of this meeting?




A: As a major step to implement the consensus reached between President Xi Jinping and leaders of Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC) states in Brasilia in July, 2014, the 1st Ministerial Meeting of the China-CELAC Forum will be held in Beijing from January 8 to 9, 2015.




It is a common wish shared by both sides to establish the Forum and carry out comprehensive cooperation. It follows the trend of the times featuring cross-regional cooperation in a multi-polar world. As is mutually agreed upon by both sides, the theme of the meeting is New Platform, New Starting Point, New Opportunity-Jointly Promoting China-LAC Partnership of Comprehensive Cooperation. Foreign ministers and representatives of China and CELAC members will discuss about the principles guiding overall cooperation, key areas of cooperation, the building of forum mechanism and other topics, and adopt relevant outcome documents in the spirit of equality, mutual benefit, win-win cooperation, openness and inclusiveness.




As the host of the meeting, China will work with the CELAC members to make good preparation and ensure the success of the meeting so as to promote the partnership of comprehensive cooperation between China and LAC countries.




Q: Where does the overall cooperation between China and CELAC stand?




A: It is an aspiration shared by both China and LAC states to have overall cooperation, and leaders of both sides have been in sound communication on this. Since 2013, President Xi Jinping and other Chinese leaders have had in-depth and extensive exchange of views on stepping up China-LAC overall cooperation with leaders of CELAC members. Major consensus has been reached. In January, 2014, the 2nd CELAC Summit adopted the Special Declaration on the Establishment of the China-CELAC Forum, which laid down the important groundwork for initiating the comprehensive cooperation between China and LAC countries. In July, 2014, leaders of China and LAC countries met in Brasilia and issued a joint statement in which all parties jointly announced the establishment of China-LAC partnership of comprehensive cooperation featuring equality, mutual benefit and common development, the official set-up of China-CELAC forum and agreed to convene the 1st Ministerial Meeting of the China-CELAC Forum. China and LAC countries will uphold the spirit of equality, mutual benefit, win-win cooperation, openness and inclusiveness, and ensure the success of the 1st Ministerial Meeting of the Forum. The Forum will serve as a forum for us to have group dialogues in politics, economy, trade and culture and other fields, identify key areas of cooperation, tap into the potential for cooperation, expand the scale and elevate the level of cooperation so as to promote South-South cooperation. China is ready to engage in dialogue and cooperation with other regional organizations in Latin America, and forge an overall cooperation network between China and LAC countries that enables one to draw on the strength of the others.




Q: Gmail, the email service of Google, has been blocked in China over the weekend. Can you tell us why? Considering that many foreign business people in China rely on using Gmail for communications, will this affect their business environment in China?




A: I am not aware of the situation you mentioned.




I would like to stress that China always welcomes and supports foreign investors’ legal business operations in China, and we will continue to provide an open, transparent and fair environment for foreign enterprises operating in China.




Q: On December 27, Belarus President appointed Andrey Kobyakov as the country’s new prime minister, and the Belarus government is having a comprehensive overhaul. What is China’s expectation for China-Belarus relations after the overhaul?




A: China believes that under the leadership of President Alexander Lukashenko, the new government of Belarus will make greater strides in national economic and social development.




Belarus is a traditional friendly country and an all-round strategic partner to China. China will continue to support the Belarusian people in pursuing the development path of their own choice. China and Belarus will offer stronger support to each other, deepen cooperation in various fields, and enhance coordination and cooperation on international and regional affairs to jointly safeguard regional peace and stability.




Q: A senator from South Carolina, US said during an interview that he can’t imagine anything this massive happening in North Korea without China being involved or at least knowing about it. What is China’s response to that?




A: China prohibits the act of launching cyber-attacks inside China or using facilities in China by any foreign country or individual. Such act, if discovered, will be dealt with in accordance with law and in a serious manner. The remarks of relevant people will in no way help resolve the problem, and are not conducive to building mutual trust and cooperation on cyber security issues.




Q: Earlier today, the Foreign Ministry expressed its willingness to the Indonesian side to dispatch planes and ships to help search and locate the missing AirAsia jet. Has the Chinese government heard back from the Indonesian government and whether ships and planes will be on their way or are on their way already?




A: Since learning the news, we have been very concerned about the safety of all the passengers and crew members on board, and we sympathize with their family members for what they have been through. At present, the search and rescue work is still underway. China has expressed to the Indonesian side that it stands ready to dispatch airplanes and vessels urgently to join in the search and rescue efforts, and provide other forms of assistance according to the needs of the Indonesian side. China will remain in close contact with the Indonesian side on this.




Q: The ROK, the US and Japan signed an information-sharing agreement on the DPRK’s nuclear and missile threats. You have expounded on China’s position on this last week. I am wondering if you have anything new to add?




A: I have nothing new to add.





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