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2015-1-1 21:48| 发布者: sisu04| 查看: 441| 评论: 0|来自: 外交部网

摘要: Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Hua Chunying’s Regular Press Conference on December 31, 2014


Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Hua Chunying’s Regular Press Conference on December 31, 2014




The opening ceremony of the First Ministerial Meeting of China-CELAC Forum will be held in Beijing on January 8, 2015. President Xi Jinping will attend the opening ceremony together with President Solís of Costa Rica which now holds the pro tempore presidency of CELAC, President Correa of Ecuador which will assume the next presidency of CELAC, Prime Minister Christie of Bahamas which is a member state of the Quartet of CELAC, and President Maduro of Venezuela.




At the invitation of President Xi Jinping, President Luis Guillermo Solís of Costa Rica will pay a state visit to China from January 4 to 10, 2015.




At the invitation of President Xi Jinping, President Rafael Vicente Correa Delgado of the Republic of Ecuador will pay a state visit to China from January 5 to 9, 2015.




Q: On December 30, the UN Security Council voted down a Palestinian draft resolution proposed by Jordan representing Arabic countries. China voted in favor. Why did China support the resolution? What is China’s stance on this issue?




A: China consistently supports the Palestinians in their pursuit of the righteous cause of recovering the legitimate national rights. We support the establishment of an independent State of Palestine enjoying full sovereignty on the basis of the 1967 borders and with East Jerusalem as its capital. We support the UN Security Council in playing its due role for the resolution of the Palestinian issue, and responding to the legitimate requests of Palestine and other Arabic countries. In light of all these, China voted in favor of the draft resolution on Palestine. At the same time, China always believes that dialogue and negotiation is the only way towards peace between Palestine and Israel. We hope Palestine and Israel can resume the peace talks at an early date. Give peace a chance, so that people can have tranquility.




Q: Today is the last day of 2014. What has China’s diplomacy achieved in 2014? And what do you envisage for China’s diplomacy in 2015?




A: Recently, Foreign Minister Wang Yi made a speech entitled “2014 in Review: A Successful Year for China’s Diplomacy” at the Symposium on the International Development and China’s Diplomacy. He also published an article on People’s Daily in which he looks back on China’s diplomacy in 2014 in every direction, and looks forward into the year 2015.




2014 is a year of bumper harvest for China’s diplomacy as we make all-around progress. Foreign Minister Wang Yi summarized the major achievements and progress as forging “a global network of partnership”, playing host to “two major diplomatic events”, actively responding to “three international hotspot issues”, and promoting “four pairs of bilateral relations”. With the aim to build a global network of partnerships, we have established 72 partnerships of different types with 67 countries and 5 regional organizations. This new practice of forging partnership rather than alliances speaks for our diplomatic approach with distinctive Chinese features and as a major country. With a view to realizing the common development of China and European and Asian countries, we have put forward and promoted the initiatives of the Silk Road Economic Belt and the 21st Century Maritime Silk Road. So far, over 50 countries along the Belt and the Road have responded and joined in the initiative. We have successfully hosted the Conference on Interaction and Confidence Building Measures in Asia and the APEC Economic Leaders’ Meeting. In these two major international events, we have advocated common, comprehensive, cooperative and sustainable security in Asia, and called for efforts to shape the future through Asia-Pacific partnership. All these efforts have enabled China to make indelible contribution to the historical process of maintaining peace and security and advancing cooperation and development in the Asia-Pacific region. We have been actively engaged in efforts to resolve a number of major hotspot issues, including the Iranian nuclear issue, Ukraine, and the Ebola epidemic, and played our role as a responsible major country in maintaining regional and international peace and stability. While conducting diplomacy, we put people in the first place. That is why we launched the Global Emergency Call Center for Consular Protection and Services and the “12308” hotline, and made it easier for our fellow citizens to travel on Chinese passports.




The year 2015 will be a year of landmark significance for world peace and development. The international community will commemorate the 70th anniversary of the victory of the world Anti-fascist War and jointly adopt a post-2015 development agenda. We will actively practice a distinctive diplomatic approach befitting China’s role as a major country and blaze a new trail of major-country diplomacy with Chinese characteristics that leads to win-win cooperation for everyone. We will work to win the understanding and support of the world for the Chinese dream, and make more countries recognize, understand, accept and welcome China’s development and rejuvenation. We will explore a new type of international relations with win-win cooperation at its core, and a healthy and stable framework of major-country relations. We will continue to follow the principles of amity, sincerity, mutual benefit and inclusiveness in conducting neighborhood diplomacy and build a community of shared interests and common destiny. We will uphold justice and pursue shared interests, and forge a closer link between China’s development and the common development of developing countries. We will firmly uphold world peace and development. We will work for a post-2015 development agenda and post-2020 emission reduction formula that serve the interests of all developing countries to make new contribution to the common and sustainable development of mankind. We will continue to advance the building of the Silk Road Economic Belt and the 21st Century Maritime Silk Road, and ensure that various bilateral and regional cooperation arrangements are inclusive and mutually reinforcing. We will earnestly honor our mission of people-oriented diplomacy, improve the livelihood of Chinese people living overseas, give full play to the Global Emergency Call Center for Consular Protection and Services, and ensure that our fellow citizens can receive help through this “green channel” whenever and wherever they need help.




Not long ago, the CPC Central Committee held the second Central Conference on Work Relating to Foreign Affairs since the founding of New China. It has been made clear that China should develop a distinctive diplomatic approach betting its role as a major country, so that China’s diplomacy will show salient Chinese features, Chinese style and Chinese confidence. We will truly grasp the essence of the conference so as to boost the realization of the two centenary goals and contribute to world peace and development.




After the press conference, a journalist asked that the British Archive disclosed on December 30 a record of a conversation that took place between Japanese and British Prime Ministers on September 20, 1982. It was recorded that then Japanese Prime Minister Suzuki Zenko said when meeting with then British Prime Minister Thatcher that China and Japan had reached understanding and consensus on the sovereignty of the Diaoyu Islands, and agreed to maintain the status quo. Some reports say that Prime Minister Zenko’s statements confirm the fact that some understanding and consensus do exist between China and Japan on the Diaoyu Islands issue. What is China’s comment on that?




A: We have noted relevant report. China’s position on the Diaoyu Islands issue is clear. When the previous leaders of China and Japan decided to normalize relations and sign treaty of peace and amity, they were thinking about the long-term interests of the two countries, and reached important understanding and consensus on properly resolving the issue. We hope that the Japanese side can face history squarely, respect fact, and make earnest efforts for the proper settlement of the Diaoyu Islands issue.





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