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2015-1-8 22:00| 发布者: sisu04| 查看: 187| 评论: 0|来自: 中国外交部

摘要: Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Hong Lei’s Regular Press Conference on January 7, 2015


Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Hong Lei’s Regular Press Conference on January 7, 2015




Q: Please update us on China’s engagement in the search for the missing AirAsia Flight QZ8501.




A: The Chinese side attaches great importance to the search for the missing AirAsia Flight QZ8501 and stays in close communication with the Indonesian side. At the request of the Indonesian side, the expert panel of the Civil Aviation Administration of China has arrived at the scene with specialized apparatus and begun searching for the black box of the missing aircraft. The salvage ship of China’s Ministry of Transport “South China Sea Rescue 101” with the black box detector and wreckage scanning facilities on board is moving at full steam toward the waters concerned. The Chinese government and military are ready to put forward more forces for search and recovery at the request of the Indonesian side.




Q: Venezuelan media reported that President Maduro Moros is seeking more loans from China to help the country push through its recession. Are the loans under discussion? And if so, under what condition will China provide the loans?




A: I have answered a similar question yesterday. China understands that the plummeting international oil price has had an impact on the domestic economy of Venezuela. China and Venezuela have been pushing forward practical cooperation. Bilateral cooperation in the field of financing underpins that in major projects. Relevant financing cooperation is running smoothly. We are ready to work in concert with the Venezuelan side to forge ahead with practical cooperation in various fields, and deliver benefits to the two peoples.




Q: In response to the rampant illegal logging in the Kachin state of Myanmar near the Chinese border, the Myanmar army launched a raid the other day, in which more than 100 foreigners were arrested. Many of those seized are Chinese. Are you aware of that?




A: We have noted relevant reports. The Chinese diplomatic mission in Myanmar is trying to check and get more information about that. They will work with the Myanmar side to properly deal with this issue and maintain the order in the border areas between China and Myanmar. We hope and believe that the lawful and legitimate rights and interests of Chinese citizens can be preserved.




Q: First, the US Embassy in Nicaragua has complained that China’s role in the construction of the canal there has not been transparent. What is your reaction to that? Will China take additional actions to increase transparency? Second, an official from the “Taipei Economic and Cultural Representative Office in the US” said that the office intentionally not notified the US about the flag-raising ceremony in order to give the US government deniability about the situation. What is China’s response to that?




A: On your first question, some Chinese companies have gone global over recent years to carry out cooperation with relevant countries in major infrastructure projects. The Chinese government has been asking Chinese companies to abide by laws and regulations of relevant countries, conduct cooperation in line with the market rules and protect the local environment. As we have said previously, relevant company’s engagement in the project you mentioned is an act of itself with no involvement of the Chinese government.




On your second question, we have noted that the spokesperson of the US State Department has twice answered questions on that for two consecutive days. She said that the US was not notified in advance, reaffirmed US commitment to the one-China policy and regarded relevant activity as not consistent with US policy. We hope that the American side would adhere to the one-China policy and the principles established by the three China-US joint communiqués and prevent similar incident from happening again.




Q: The HYSY 981 drilling rig is reportedly heading for Singapore via Vietnam. Can you tell us where its destination is and how long it will stay there?




A: As for the movement of the HYSY 981 drilling rig, China’s maritime safety administration has released a navigation notice on its website. I would refer you to the website. It is a normal foreign business activity conducted by the Chinese company. You can reach the relevant company for the specifics.




After the press conference, a journalist asked: Regarding the case about a DPRK national killing 4 Chinese villagers in China’s border city of Yanbian, Jilin province, you have provided relevant information the other day. Do you have any update? Where does the case stand now?




Hong Lei: This is an individual criminal case. Both China and the DPRK take it very seriously. After the incident occurred, the Chinese police immediately launched a manhunt operation. During the operation, the killer was shot and died later after medical treatment failed to revive him. The Chinese side has lodged representations with the DPRK side. The DPRK side expressed its regret that such incident happened, and conveyed its sympathy to the family of the victims. Competent authorities of the two sides are carrying out follow-up investigation and dealing with the case in accordance with the law.





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