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2015-1-20 20:49| 发布者: sisu04| 查看: 305| 评论: 0|来自: 外交部网

摘要: Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Hua Chunying’s Regular Press Conference on January 20, 2015


Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Hua Chunying’s Regular Press Conference on January 20, 2015




Q: On January 19, DPRK’s Vice Foreign Minister and Representative to the Six-Party Talks Ri Yong Ho had an unofficial meeting with former United States Special Representative for North Korea Policy Stephen Bosworth in Singapore where they exchanged views on easing tensions on the Korean Peninsula. What is China’s comment on that?




A: China supports the improvement of relations between the DPRK and the US. We are glad to see relevant parties improve mutual understanding and trust through dialogue and contact, and commit themselves to safeguarding peace and stability of the Peninsula and moving forward the denuclearization of the Peninsula. We hope that such dialogue and contact can create favorable conditions for the early resumption of the Six-Party Talks.




Q: The P5+1 and Iran held a new round of negotiations on a comprehensive agreement in Geneva on January 18. What can you offer on that?




A: On January 18, the P5+1 and Iran held a new round of negotiations on a comprehensive agreement in Geneva, the 2nd round since the P5+1 and Iran decided on an extension of negotiations in Vienna on November 24, 2014. Director-General Wang Qun of the Department of Arms Control of the Foreign Ministry of China attended the meeting.




China believes that parties concerned held intensive, practical and in-depth negotiations, and more consensus were reached. During the negotiations, China actively promoted bilateral and multilateral communication with the negotiating teams of other parties, and made great efforts to move forward the negotiation process. Though there are still some differences to be bridged, relevant parties demonstrated sincerity during the process. The negotiation process has made headways to some extent. China hopes that all parties can seize the hard-won historic opportunity, race against time, stick to the existing consensus, thoroughly follow the principle of step-by-step and reciprocity, and make political decisions, so that a package of solutions can be reached. We sincerely wish that the efforts made by the P5+1 and Iran can come to fruition at an early date, and a comprehensive deal that is mutually beneficial and win-win to all can be clinched as early as possible.




Q: What is China’s view on the current situation in north Myanmar? Media reports say that many Chinese citizens were trapped as a result of the escalating fightings there. Can you give us more details?




A: As a friendly neighbor, China hopes that north Myanmar can realize enduring peace at an early date, which will contribute to creating a favorable environment for Myanmar to achieve domestic stability and development, and reaching lasting peace and order in the China-Myanmar border areas. We hope relevant parties in Myanmar can work to reduce conflict and friction, remain committed to resolving differences through peace talks, and move forward the peace process in north Myanmar. In line with the will of the Myanmar side, China will continue to play a constructive role in promoting peace and dialogue on this issue, and jointly ensure peace and stability of the border areas.




Chinese embassy and consulates in Myanmar paid great attention to some media reports claiming that a large number of Chinese citizens were trapped in north Myanmar where fires were traded, and have sent a joint working group to the site to investigate and verify the situation. Preliminary investigation showed that those reports by some media saying that a lot of Chinese people were trapped were untrue. We will continue to follow and verify the situation on the ground, and safeguard the safety and legitimate rights and interests of the Chinese citizens.





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