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2015-1-22 22:33| 发布者: sisu04| 查看: 224| 评论: 0|来自: 外交部网

摘要: Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Hua Chunying’s Regular Press Conference on January 22, 2015


Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Hua Chunying’s Regular Press Conference on January 22, 2015




At the invitation of Premier Li Keqiang of the State Council, Prime Minister Manuel Valls of the French Republic will pay an official visit to China from January 29 to 31.




During his visit, President Xi Jinping and Chairman Zhang Dejiang will meet with him separately. Premier Li Keqiang will hold talks with Prime Minister Valls, and attend the closing ceremony of the 50th anniversary of the establishment of China-France diplomatic relations. Leaders of both sides will have an in-depth and thorough exchange of views on bilateral ties, bilateral practical cooperation, China-EU relations and other global and regional issues of common interest.




Q: Foreign Ministers of Russia, Germany, France and Ukraine met in Berlin on January 21. They reached consensus on the ceasefire in eastern Ukraine, the demarcation line between conflicting parties, and the pull-back of heavy weapons. What is China’s response to that?




A: China speaks highly of the consensus reached during the four-way foreign ministers’ meeting. We hope this will help ease the crisis in eastern Ukraine and avoid further escalation of the situation. China welcomes and supports the positive efforts made by all sides for a political resolution of the Ukrainian crisis, and hopes that parties concerned will continue to follow the Normandy and Minsk formats and accommodate each other’s legitimate rights, interests and concerns, so that a political solution that is comprehensive, balanced and enduring can be reached at an early date, and peace, security, stability and development can be returned to Ukraine and the whole region.




Q: The US Commerce Department will set large anti-dumping duties on China-made tires and solar products. The US claimed that some Chinese manufacturers unfairly received subsidies from the government. What is China’s comment on that?




A: I would refer you to China’s Ministry of Commerce for this specific question. As for the issues that emerge amid economic cooperation and trade between China and other countries, we maintain that relevant parties should engage in friendly dialogue and consultation to seek solutions that are mutually beneficial and win-win to all, and jointly safeguard the sound and smooth development of bilateral cooperation in economy and trade.




Q: The Yemeni government and the Houthi militants were in conflict in recent days. After negotiations, both sides have reached an agreement to end the political crisis. What is China’s comment on that?




A: China hopes that relevant parties in Yemen can properly resolve the disputes through dialogue and consultation, put an end to violence and conflict as soon as possible, restore national stability and normal order at an early date, and steadily move forward the process of political transition.




Q: Russian Foreign Minister Lavrov said on January 21st that Russia received a positive signal from the DPRK leader Kim Jong Un to attend the 70th anniversary celebrations of the victory of World War Two to be held in Moscow in May. What is China’s comment on that? Will the Chinese leader attend the anniversary?




A: Upon mutual agreement, China and Russia agreed to jointly celebrate the 70th anniversary of the victory of World War Two. Both sides are now discussing arrangements for leaders to attend relevant activities held by each other.




Both the DPRK and Russia are friendly neighbors of China. They made great sacrifices and contributions to the victory of the World Anti-Fascist War that is worth being celebrated together. We also believe that such exchanges between the DPRK and Russia will contribute to peace and stability of the region.




Q: On January 21, when jointly meeting the press with Foreign Affairs Undersecretary Evan Garcia of the Philippines, Assistant Secretary of State Daniel Russel of the US State Department expressed concerns over the South China Sea issue, and said that big nations can’t bully the small. What is China’s response to that?




A: On international relations, China always maintains that all countries, regardless of the size, are equal. We are against the bullying of small countries by big countries. At the same time, we also believe that small countries should not make unreasonable demands. When we talk about the equality of all countries, we are not only referring to being equal on rights and interests, but also on being applied to international rules.




As to the South China Sea issue, we have made clear our principled positions many times. It is our long-standing position that disputes on territory and maritime rights and interests should be resolved in peaceful means through dialogue and consultation between countries concerned. Relevant parties should take concrete actions to fully and effectively implement the Declaration on the Conduct of Parties in the South China Sea (DOC), and jointly maintain peace and stability of the South China Sea region. Countries that are not a party to the disputes shall uphold an objective and fair position, say more things that will help build mutual trust and cooperation, do more things that will truly safeguard peace and stability of the region, and make less inflammatory remarks that may stir up trouble.




Q: The Islamic State released a video online, asking Japan to pay a 200-million-dollar ransom for the release of its 2 Japanese hostages. What is China’s comment on that?




A: China opposes all forms of terrorism and extremist actions targeting innocent civilians. We hope the hostages can be released safely.





Q: Recently, violence rocked Kinshasa, capital of the Democratic Republic of Congo. Many shops owned by Chinese people there were impacted. What is China’s response to that?




A: Since January 19, a series of violent incidents has broken out in Kinshasa, capital of the Democratic Republic of Congo, impacting the lives and financial security of some Chinese personnel there. After the break-out of the incidents, China lodged representations with the DR Congo in Kinshasa and Beijing separately, asking them to take effective measures to protect the lives and financial security of Chinese institutions and personnel there. The Chinese embassy there has activated emergency response mechanism at the earliest time possible as well as the mechanism set up by Chinese people there and the local police to jointly guard against emergencies, offering timely protection to Chinese people there and providing necessary assistance. We hope stability can be returned to the DR Congo at an early date.







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