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2015-2-2 23:43| 发布者: sisu04| 查看: 215| 评论: 0|来自: 外交部

摘要: Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Hong Lei’s Regular Press Conference on February 2, 2015


Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Hong Lei’s Regular Press Conference on February 2, 2015




Q: Media reports say that the Dalai Lama would attend the National Prayers Breakfast in the US on February 5. Does China have anything to say on this?




A: Tibet-related issues bear on the core interests and national feelings of China. We are against the interference in China’s domestic affairs by any country using Tibet related issues as an excuse, and are opposed to the meeting with the Dalai Lama in any form by any foreign leader. We hope that the US side can act on its commitment on Tibet-related issues and properly deal with relevant issues in the larger interest of bilateral relations.




Q: Mr. Sergio Mattarella, candidate of the Christian Democracy party and judge on the Constitutional Court of Italy, won the fourth round of voting in Italy’s presidential election and was elected as the new Italian president on January 31. How does China comment on this?




A: We have taken note of the smooth running of the Italian presidential election. China congratulates Mr. Mattarella on becoming the president-elect of Italy.




China-Italy relationship enjoys sound development. Frequent visits are paid to each other’s country at high levels and fruitful results are borne in mutually beneficial cooperation covering various areas. The Chinese side is poised to join hands with the Italian side and press ahead with the China-Italy comprehensive strategic partnership at the 45th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between the two countries.




Q: On January 30, the Joint Agency Coordination Center of Australia issued a statement, saying that the Australian government remains committed to the search for Malaysia Airlines Flight MH370 and will continue to work collaboratively with the governments of Malaysia and China in service of the families of those on board. How does China respond to this?




A: China’s appreciation and gratitude goes to the Australian side for the positive attitude it shows. Countries including Australia and international organizations have offered significant support and assistance to the search of Malaysia Airlines Flight MH370 and other operations in the wake of the incident. The Chinese government will continue to work closely with the governments of Malaysia and Australia in the search and investigation efforts in order to find out the whereabouts of the plane and passengers on board.




Q: Mexican Finance Minister Luis Videgaray said on January 30 that the Mexican government decided to cut its public spending of 2015 and 2016 after a drop in global oil prices and other factors put Mexico under financial pressure and that the high-speed railway project linking Mexico City and Queretaro was shelved. What’s China’s comment on this?




A: We have noted relevant decision made by the Mexican government. The spokesperson of China’s National Development and Reform Commission has made relevant remarks this morning. It is our hope that the Mexican government can properly deal with matters arising from the suspension of the project and take tangible measures to protect the rights and interests of Chinese companies.




It is worth underlining that Chinese companies are gaining competitive edge in technology, equipment, building and operation of high-speed railway when going global. The Chinese government will continue to offer support and encouragement to companies in their high-speed railway cooperation overseas.




The mutually beneficial cooperation between China and Mexico is in the interest of the two countries and two peoples. It is believed that in the future the two sides will proceed with the practical cooperation in various fields.




Q: The Islamic State released a video footage online on January 31 showing the killing of another Japanese hostage. Does China have any comment on this?




A: China is against all forms of terrorism and all extremist activities targeting innocent civilians. China maintains that the international community should follow the purposes and principles of the UN Charter and other widely recognized norms governing international relations, step up cooperation, jointly combat terrorism threats and safeguard security and stability of the region and the world.




Q: Argentine President Cristina Kirchner is about to visit China. How does China see the visit? How will the relations between China and other Latin American countries be affected given that China and Argentine will sign a series of agreements during this visit?




A: At the invitation of President Xi Jinping, President Cristina will pay a state visit to China from February 3 to 5. During her visit, President Xi Jinping will hold talks with her and the two sides will bear witness to the sealing of relevant cooperative documents.




China-Argentina relations have registered substantial development in the past 43 years since the establishment of diplomatic relations between the two countries. Last year, President Xi Jinping paid a successful visit to Argentina which boosted political mutual trust of the two countries, promoted cooperation on major projects and strengthened the friendly ties between the two peoples. We hope that President Cristina’s visit to China will elevate the comprehensive strategic partnership between the two countries.




The first ministerial meeting of the China-CELAC Forum held recently in China gave a strong boost to the comprehensive cooperation between China and Latin American countries. We will make joint efforts with Argentina and other Latin American countries to push for the sustained and steady growth of China-Latin America relations.





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