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2015-2-4 22:54| 发布者: sisu04| 查看: 338| 评论: 0|来自: 外交部网

摘要: Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Hong Lei’s Regular Press Conference on February 4, 2015


Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Hong Lei’s Regular Press Conference on February 4, 2015




Q: Iran’s parliament agreed on February 3 to examine a new draft bill on the Iranian nuclear issue. According to the bill, Iran should immediately repeal the interim agreement, resume all its uranium enrichment activities and accelerate construction of the Arak heavy water reactor in the event of fresh US sanctions. How does China comment on this?




A: To resolve the Iranian nuclear issue at an early date will exert a far-reaching and positive influence on the security of the Middle East. The P5+1 and Iran are negotiating in high gear on a comprehensive agreement on resolving the Iranian nuclear issue. We hope that parties concerned can prize and maintain the hard-won momentum of negotiation, stick to the consensus forged in previous negotiations, concentrate on differences and try to close them, make political judgment and strive for a mutually beneficial and comprehensive agreement as soon as possible. The Chinese side is ready to work with all parties and continue to play a constructive role in advancing the process of dialogue and negotiation.




Q: An international seminar on anti-poaching is being held in Kathmandu, Nepal. Some experts say that the soaring demand for tiger parts in China has caused a sharp decline in the tiger population, and frustrated efforts by all parties to protect wild tigers. How does China respond to this?




A: The “zero-tolerance on poaching” international seminar is being held in Nepal, and delegates sent by China’s State Forestry Administration have elaborated on China’s efforts on the seminar.




The Chinese government attaches great importance to protecting wild tigers and keeps improving laws and regulations protecting wild tigers. A National Plan to Recover Wild Tigers has been implemented. A network of natural reserves and protection stations at grassroots levels is being built. Poaching, trading of tiger bones and using them as medicine are fully banned. Thanks to the efforts made by the government and people from all walks of life, the habitats for wild tigers in China have been effectively restored and improved, the species and population of wild tigers have been gradually enlarged and wild tigers protection has become a self-conscious action of more and more Chinese people. The Chinese government will take further steps to protect wild tigers and substantially increase the species and population of China’s wild tigers. We stand ready to step up cooperation and exchange with other countries and relevant international organizations to protect wild tigers, advance the common endeavor of wild tigers protection and enable human beings and the nature to coexist with each other more harmoniously.




Q: According to Pakistani media reports, Pakistan has invited President Xi Jinping to the Pakistan Day parade. Can you confirm this?




A: I have no information on that. China and Pakistan are all-weather strategic partners of cooperation, and the two sides maintain frequent high-level exchanges which serve as inexhaustible driving force for China-Pakistan relations. We are willing to keep this momentum with the Pakistan side.




Q: It is reported that a Chinese scholar in Norway was deported by the Norwegian side. They accused the scholar of using his expertise for military purposes. Is this Chinese scholar a spy? Will China-Norway relations be affected by this?




A: The Chinese side has checked and lodged representations with the Norwegian side on this incident. It is our belief that such groundless move taken by the Norwegian side not only infringes upon the basic rights and interests of the Chinese student, but also taints the academic image of Norway. We hope that the Norwegian side can take concrete actions to ensure the academic freedom and rights and interests of the scholar, properly handle this case and avoid the recurrence of similar incident.




Q: The Islamic State released an online video showing the burning of Jordanian pilot Muath al-Kasaesbeh on February 3. What is your comment on this?




A: The Chinese side is opposed to all forms of terrorism and terrorist activities that brutally take people’s lives. The Chinese side believes that the international community should follow the purposes and principles of the UN Charter and other widely-recognized norms governing international relations, enhance cooperation, rise to the challenge posed by terrorism and safeguard world peace and stability.





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