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2015-2-9 23:27| 发布者: sisu04| 查看: 278| 评论: 0|来自: 外交部网

摘要: Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Hua Chunying’s Regular Press Conference on Febuary 9, 2015


Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Hua Chunying’s Regular Press Conference on Febuary 9, 2015




At the invitation of Adviser on National Security and Foreign Affairs to the Prime Minister of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan Mr. Sartaj Aziz, Foreign Minister of the United Arab Emirates (UAE) Mr. Sheikh Abdullah and Foreign Minister of the Islamic Republic of Iran Mohammad Javad Zarif, Foreign Minister Wang Yi will pay official visits to Pakistan, the UAE and Iran from February 12 to 16.




Upon mutual agreement, US Deputy Secretary of State Antony Blinken will visit China from February 10 to 12. Both sides will exchange views on bilateral relations and regional and international issues of mutual interest.




Q: The Danish government decided not to meet with the Dalai Lama who will visit Denmark this week. What is China’s response to that? The Danish Prime Minister said before taking office that she will meet with the Dalai Lama. Has the Chinese side been in communication with the Danish side on this?




A: Our position on Tibet-related issues is consistent and clear. We oppose any other country’s decision to allow the Dalai Lama to visit, and we oppose any country’s interference in China’s domestic affairs by exploiting Tibet-related issues.




Q: Can you go into specifics why it is so important for China that leaders of foreign countries do not meet with the Dalai Lama?




A: Tibet-related issues bear on China’s core interests and national feelings. Everyone sees clearly the true face of the Dalai Lama. Under the banner of religion, he has been busy flying around the world and working to separate China and undermine China’s national unity. If any foreign country attempts to provide any form of platform or facilitation for the Dalai Lama to carry out separatist activities, or meet him in any way, we firmly oppose that. When interacting with other countries, we hope to foster friendly and cooperative relations on the basis of mutual respect and accommodation of each other’s core interests. This position is very clear and consistent.




Q: Leaders of Russia, Germany, France and Ukraine agreed to meet in Minsk on February 11 to discuss the crisis in Ukraine. During the Munich Security Conference, the US and the EU split on whether to provide weapons to the Ukrainian government. How does China comment on the recent actions taken by all parties concerning the Ukrainian crisis?




A: It is China’s long-standing position that the Ukrainian crisis should be resolved politically, which is beneficial to all sides. At this moment, what the people in eastern Ukrainian need more urgently is peace rather than weapons.




China welcomes and supports the intensive mediating efforts made by relevant parties in recent days to ease the tension in eastern Ukraine and seek a political settlement, and calls on all parties to avoid actions that might aggravate antagonism and sabotage the process of political settlement. All parties should translate their political willingness to resolve the crisis peacefully into concrete results, and reach a comprehensive, balanced and long-lasting solution at an early date. China will continue to play a constructive role in the political settlement of the Ukrainian crisis.




Q: You just announced Foreign Minister Wang Yi’s visit to Pakistan. There are reports that President Xi Jinping will visit Pakistan very soon. Is Foreign Minister Wang Yi’s visit a prelude of President Xi’s visit?




A: China-Pakistan relations are developing steadily. The two countries are engaged in close high-level exchanges, and leaders of the two states meet with each other frequently. All these exchanges are important in guiding the development of bilateral ties. President Xi is looking forward to visiting to Pakistan within this year when it is convenient to both sides. We are in close communication and coordination with the Pakistani side on this.




Q: On February 8, the DPRK test-fired 5 short-range missiles to the waters east of the Korean Peninsula. What is China’s comment?




A: We have noted the news. We hope relevant parties can remain committed to safeguarding peace and stability of the Korean Peninsula.







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