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2015-2-12 21:43| 发布者: sisu04| 查看: 222| 评论: 0|来自: 外交部

摘要: Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Hua Chunying’s Regular Press Conference on February 11, 2015


Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Hua Chunying’s Regular Press Conference on February 11, 2015




Upon invitation, Minister of Industry and Information Technology Miao Wei will attend the inauguration ceremony of Croatian President Kolinda Grabar-Kitarovic as the Special Envoy of President Xi Jinping from February 15 to 16.




Q: The contact group on Ukraine met in Minsk on February 10. Sources said that the parties have reached consensus on the ceasefire and the withdrawal of heavy weapons. What is China’s comment on that?




A: The Chinese side welcomes and supports the intensive mediation efforts recently made by parties concerned to ease the tension in eastern Ukraine and resolve the crisis through political means. We are looking forward to the good news that all relevant parties have come to an important agreement on the political settlement of the crisis, so that peace and stability can be restored to the conflicting areas of Ukraine at an early date.




Q: Chinese and American officials met in the Philippines last month to discuss anti-corruption cooperation, specifically how the US can go after suspected corrupt Chinese people in the US and their assets. Can you give us more details about the talks? When the next round of talks can be expected to happen? Whether or not China and the US are looking at signing a formal extradition treaty?




A: China and the US maintain sound exchanges and cooperation under the APEC framework. The Beijing Declaration on Fighting Corruption was adopted by the 2014 APEC Economic Leaders’ Meeting and the APEC Network of Anti-Corruption Authorities and Law Enforcement Agencies (ACT-NET) was established, both of which were supported by the US. President Xi Jinping and President Barack Obama have also agreed upon enhancing cooperation against corruption during their meeting on the sidelines of APEC.




Both the Chinese and American delegations attended the APEC anti-corruption working group meeting held in the Philippines this January. There will be another meeting in the Philippines this August. The Chinese side will stay in communication with the American side to implement the consensus reached by leaders of the two countries on anti-corruption cooperation, encourage all APEC economies to follow through on the Beijing Declaration on Fighting Corruption, enhance practical cooperation on the repatriation of corrupt officials, recovery and return of proceeds of corruption and other areas. The Chinese side is ready to step up cooperation with other APEC economies to fight against corruption and go after the corrupt and their ill-gotten assets.




The Chinese side regards it necessary for China and the US to explore effective and new means to carry forward the current cooperation. The Chinese side will keep in touch with the American side in this regard.




Q: Greek Deputy Foreign Minister Nikos Chountis said that both China and Russia have offered to provide financial support to Greece. Can you confirm that and give us more details?




A: I am not aware of the specifics. China-Greece relations have been developing steadily since the establishment of diplomatic ties. Political mutual trust between the two sides has been strengthened and practical cooperation has yielded fruitful results. The Chinese side views Greece as a good friend and partner in the EU. We are sincere and determined to develop mutually beneficial cooperation with Greece. Attaching great importance to China-Greece relations, the Chinese side is ready to work hand in hand with Greece’s new government to deepen bilateral exchanges and cooperation in various fields following the principle of mutual respect and mutual benefit, and constantly advance China-Greece comprehensive strategic partnership.




Q: During President Xi Jinping’s telephone call with US President Obama this morning, the latter invited President Xi to visit the US. Can you tell us more about that? Will President Xi attend activities of the UN General Assembly when he visits the US in September?




A: The readout of President Xi Jinping’s call with President Obama at the latter’s request this morning was issued. The two leaders exchanged New Year greetings and agreed to promote China-US relations in a sustained, stable and healthy way in the New Year so as to ensure bigger progress of the new type of major-country relationship between China and the US. President Obama invited President Xi Jinping to pay a state visit to the US when President Xi attends activities commemorating the 70th anniversary of the establishment of the UN in September. President Xi Jinping accepted the invitation. Both parties will make full preparation to ensure the visit a success.







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