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2015-2-13 23:31| 发布者: sisu04| 查看: 312| 评论: 0|来自: 外交部

摘要: Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Hua Chunying’s Regular Press Conference on February 12, 2015


Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Hua Chunying’s Regular Press Conference on February 12, 2015




Q: A Greek government official said yesterday that Premier Li Keqiang had a phone conversation with Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras during which they talked about strengthening economic cooperation. Premier Li Keqiang expressed that Chinese enterprises are willing to invest in Greece. Can you give us more details?




A: On the afternoon of February 11, Premier Li Keqiang had a phone conversation with Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras at the latter’s request. Relevant information has been released.




Over the phone, Premier Li Keqiang said that China values its traditional friendship and practical cooperation which is constantly expanding with Greece. China is willing to elevate bilateral ties to a new level on the basis of equal treatment and mutual benefit.




Prime Minister Tsipras said that the Greek government attaches high importance to its relations with China and welcomes more investment from China. The new government will not change the nature of bilateral cooperation projects. It is confident that its friendly and cooperative relations with China can be further enhanced with concerted efforts.




Premier Li Keqiang pointed out that China-Greece relations enjoy a promising prospect. Bilateral cooperation delivers benefits to people in the two countries and the region. The Chinese side noted that Prime Minister Tsipras reaffirmed that Greece is open to more investment from China and will honor the cooperation agreements reached between the two countries. China hopes that the Greek government can provide better legal protection for Chinese enterprises operating in Greece.




Premier Li Keqiang stressed that the Piraeus port project undertaken by China’s COSCO Group stands out as an example of the success of China-Greece cooperation which not only provides job opportunities for the local people, but also improves their rights and interests and working conditions. It is hoped that both sides can stick to their commitments. China is willing to cooperate with Greece to build the Piraeus port into a first-class one in the Mediterranean and an important hub in the region. The port will serve as an important bridge in building China-Europe land-sea express line and enhancing interconnectivity between Asia and Europe. It will also contribute to European integration and balanced growth.




Prime Minister Tsipras said that Greece is at a crucial stage of economic rejuvenation and development. China’s support and assistance is needed. Greece is willing to deepen its cooperation with China in the fields of marine and shipping, and carry out a package of cooperation projects covering infrastructure, finance and other areas. The Piraeus port project undertaken by China’s COSCO Group, a flagship project of bilateral cooperation, means a lot to Greece’s economic development. Greece will lend greater emphasis and support to this project. China is a major force in ensuring the stable development of Europe. Greece attaches importance to the development of Europe-China land-sea express line, and is willing to act as a bridge facilitating Europe-China cooperation and moving forward Europe-China relations.




Q: The International Institute for Strategic Studies in Britain published The Military Balance 2015 which claimed that in recent years the Chinese Navy has entered a new age of large-scale vessel manufacturing, and China’s military expenditure expanded notably without transparency. What is China’s comment on that?




A: You mention a report on China’s military spending by a research institution in which some figures are listed. I want to offer another set of figures which may provide a better explanation to the issue. In 2014, China’s military spending accounted for less than 1.5% of GDP, not only lower than that of major countries in the world, but also lower than the world average of 2.6%. China’s per capita national defense spending is even lower, only equivalent to 1/22 of that of the US, 1/9 of that of the UK and 1/5 of that of Japan.




China’s military spending and development is always closely followed by other countries. Here I would like to make a few points clear. First, China is committed to the path of peaceful development and a national defense policy that is defensive in nature. The development of China’s national defense aims to safeguard national unity, territorial integrity and development interests. It answers to the need of preserving world and regional peace and security, and targets and threatens no one. Second, China is always mindful of controlling the size of its national defense spending, and properly sets the amount of national defense spending by aligning national defense development with economic development. Third, the budget for national defense is included in the national draft budget every year for the deliberation and approval by the National People’s Congress. The openness and transparency of this process is guaranteed. Information like the total amount and the basic components of China’s military spending is also open and transparent for all to see.




We hope relevant countries can view China’s development, including its national defense development, from a peaceful, objective, unbiased and reasonable perspective.




Q: This year marks the 40th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic ties between China and the European Union. What kinds of celebration activities will be held? What are China’s expectations?




A: This year marks the 40th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic ties between China and the EU, a crucial year for both sides to enrich the partnership for peace, growth, reform and civilization and implement the China-EU 2020 Strategic Agenda for Cooperation. Bilateral relations face many new opportunities. In 2015, a new round of leaders’ meeting between China and the EU will be held. Both sides are pondering the possibility of a visit by the new leadership of the EU institutions, and have laid out plans for the celebration of the 40th anniversary. China will hold a range of activities in the fields of economy and trade, culture, education and youth exchanges and issue some publications devoted to the special occasion. There are certainly a lot to expect for in this year’s China-EU relations.




I have noted that ambassadors of the EU and its 28 member states to China published an article in the People’s Daily today in which they expressed their wish to make this year worth remembering in the history of China-EU relations. I believe that as long as both sides join hands, take this 40th anniversary as a great opportunity, build on the past and plan for the future, and earnestly implement the important consensus reached by the leaders of the two sides, new life will be breathed into China-EU relations and a new stage will be ushered in for the bilateral ties.




Q: The EU Chamber of Commerce issued a statement saying that 86% of respondents in an internal survey believe that the Chinese government is intensifying its surveillance of the internet, which has already impacted the operations of European enterprises in China. What is China’s response to that?




A: The United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD) released the Global Investment Trend Monitor Report which said that China attracted for the first time the largest amount of foreign investment in 2014. It is true for any enterprise that they will always seek a sound investment environment and a considerable profit returns. The influx of foreign investment to China which has overtaken that of other countries in 2014 speaks volume for the fact that China is extending better protection for the lawful rights and interests of foreign enterprises. That is why the size of foreign investment in China can always stay at a relatively high level.




As for the cyber issue you mentioned, I would like to say that cyber security is given great attention by all countries in the world. Enhancing the security and controllability of information technology products is an important measure and common practice for all countries to ensure their cyber security. China is unswerving in implementing the opening-up policy. As long as foreign enterprises abide by Chinese laws, and do nothing to undermine China’s national security and Chinese consumers’ interests, China will protect their lawful rights and interests in accordance with the law. We welcome and support foreign enterprises in expanding their operations in China.




Q: US President Obama’s homeland security and counter-terrorism advisor Lisa Monaco named China in a speech as one of the countries that pose cyber-attack threat. There are also some US cyber security firms claiming that Chinese hackers who attacked the Forbes website attempted to hack into the US defense and financial companies. What is China’s response to that?




A: We have made our principles and positions clear on many occasions. The Chinese government firmly opposes and cracks down on all forms of hacking activities in accordance with the law. Cyber-attack is a global issue that needs to be tackled with the cooperation of the international community. In order to safeguard a cyber space that is peaceful, secure, open and cooperative, all countries should respect instead of suspecting each other, have dialogue to enhance mutual trust instead of antagonizing and accusing other countries.




As a country boasting the most advanced cyber technology and the most solid cyber strength, the US should lead by example. We hope the US can take more positive actions and do more things that are conducive to preserving mutual trust and cooperation of the cyber space.




Q: Has Premier Li Keqiang invited Greek Prime Minister Tsipras to visit China? Is there any response from the Greek side? Has a date been set for the visit?




A: The Chinese side sets great store by its relationship with Greece and stands ready to maintain all forms of communication and exchanges with the Greek side, explore ways to deepen practical cooperation in various fields, and promote China-Greece relations. I have no details at hand about the visit.




Q: Countries like the US, the UK and France have closed their embassies in Yemen. Is the Chinese embassy still operating?




A: The Chinese side has noted reports about the closure of some countries’ embassies in Yemen. The Chinese Embassy in Yemen has no plan at the moment to suspend its operations or withdraw its staff. Chinese diplomats are working as usual to provide necessary assistance to Chinese personnel and institutions in Yemen. The Chinese side is following closely the situation on the ground. It is hoped that the Yemeni side will take concrete measures to ensure the security of Chinese personnel and institutions there.




In response to the changes taking place in Yemen, the Chinese Foreign Ministry issued safety alerts on January 19 and February 7, calling on Chinese citizens and institutions there to take extra security precautions, reduce outdoor activities and stay in contact with the Chinese embassy. Chinese citizens planning for a visit to Yemen were also advised to think twice. The Chinese Embassy in Yemen has activated the emergency response mechanism, asking Chinese personnel and institutions in Yemen to stay alert. The embassy is also in touch with competent authorities in Yemen, urging them to take effective measures to protect Chinese personnel and institutions. According the information that we have got, Chinese citizens in Yemen are all safe.




Q: The joint statement released after the meeting of Chinese, Russian and Indian foreign ministers expressed understanding and support to India for its aspiration of playing a bigger role in the UN. Analysis said that China has become more supportive on India’s application for a permanent membership of the UN Security Council. Another BRICS country, Brazil, has the same desire as India. Will the Chinese side support that?




A: We maintain that the reform of the UN Security Council should give priority to increasing the representativeness of developing countries. The Chinese side attaches great importance to the role of Brazil in international affairs, understands and supports its aspiration of playing a bigger part in the UN.





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