外交部发言人华春莹例行记者会(2015年3月30日) Foreign
Ministry Spokesperson Hua Chunying’s Regular Press Conference on March 30, 2015
Q: According to media
reports, Chinese naval vessels have arrived in Yemen to evacuate Chinese
nationals there. Please confirm this and tell us more details.
A: The security situation
in Yemen has been worsening since March 26. The Chinese government gives top
priority to the security of Chinese citizens and institutions in Yemen, and has
taken prompt actions to orderly evacuate Chinese citizens there. Under the
unified deployment, the Chinese naval fleet on escort mission in the Gulf of
Aden and Somali waters has sailed to Yemen to evacuate Chinese citizens there.
Up to now, 122 Chinese citizens have been safely transported from Yemen to
Djibouti thanks to the emergency coordination between the Foreign Ministry, the
Defense Ministry and the Chinese embassies in Yemen and Djibouti and the
consulate general in Aden. The Chinese Embassy in Djibouti is helping them
return to the motherland as soon as possible.
Chinese Ambassador to Yemen Tian
Qi and the working staff remaining at the Chinese embassy and consulate there
keep performing their duties, communicating closely with parties concerned to
evacuate over 400 people left there in an orderly and safe way as soon as
In this evacuation mission,
Yemen, Djibouti and parties concerned have provided us with substantial
assistance. We hearby express our heartfelt gratitude to them.
Q: First, where is the
Chinese Ambassador to Yemen now? Is he in Aden or Sanaa? Second, China
expresses gratitude to parties concerned in Yemen, and who are they in
specific? Third, the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) has submitted a draft
resolution to the UN, asking for an arms embargo on groups that spoil peace and
the political process in Yemen. What is China’s response?
A: On your first
question, the Chinese Ambassador to Yemen and the working staff remaining in
the embassy and consulate are sticking to their posts. Where they can help
Chinese nationals evacuate in the most effective way, where they will be.
On your second question, we are
in close communication with all parties, in a bid to ensure the early, safe and
orderly withdrawal of Chinese nationals in Yemen.
On your third question, we
closely monitor the situation in Yemen, and hope relevant parties can
politically resolve the Yemeni crisis at an early date. We once again call on
all parties in Yemen to implement relevant resolutions of the UN Security
Council and GCC proposals, and restore stability and normal order to Yemen as
soon as possible.
Q: Representatives from
parties concerned have arrived at Lausanne, Switzerland on March 28 and 29 for
the Iranian nuclear issue negotiation. Please tell us more about China’s
expectations for this round of negotiation and the work China has done.
A: Positive changes have
shown up in the negotiation on the Iranian nuclear issue, and considerable
progress has been made. The Chinese side hopes that all parties in the negotiation
can seize the opportunity, display flexibility, make political decisions and
strive for a breakthrough so that a comprehensive agreement that is equitable,
balanced and mutually beneficial can be sealed at an early date.
As a member of the P5+1, China
has been playing a positive and constructive role in the negotiation and making
enormous efforts to push for the comprehensive, enduring and proper settlement
of the Iranian nuclear issue. Foreign Minister Wang Yi is now in Lausanne,
Switzerland for the P5+1 Foreign Ministers’ Meeting, and in discussion with his
counterparts about the major remaining problems in the negotiation. China will
continue to work shoulder to shoulder with relevant parties and push for
fruitful results of the negotiation at an early date.
Q: First, media reports
say that the Philippines is to downgrade the dispute with Malaysia concerning
Sabah in exchange for the support of Malaysia on the South China Sea
arbitration it filed. Do you have any comment on this? Second, the latest round
of negotiation on the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB) is being held
in Tajikistan. Can you give us more details?
A: On your first
question, I have no information about the talks between Malaysia and the
Philippines. China holds a clear position on the South China Sea issue, as well
as the arbitration unilaterally initiated by the Philippines. We are willing to
work together with relevant countries to properly resolve the disputes through
dialogue and negotiation and safeguard peace and stability of the South China
On your second question, I’d like
to point you to the Finance Ministry for specific consultation on the AIIB. The
Chinese side is soliciting opinions from the current prospective founding
members following multilateral procedures, and will communicate and consult
with parties concerned on the charter of the AIIB. As a new multilateral
development institution that is open and inclusive, the AIIB is expected to
make positive contributions to infrastructure building in the Asia-Pacific
Q: According to media
reports, tomorrow is the deadline for countries to submit their post-2020
pledges on carbon emission reduction to the UN. So far the EU and Switzerland
have already done so. Is China planning to submit your pledge by tomorrow?
A: First one thing to
clarify: March 31 is not the loose deadline for countries to submit emission
reduction commitment to the UN. According to relevant resolutions passed at the
2013 UN Climate Change Conference in Warsaw and the 2014 Conference in Lima,
all countries should report their post-2020 “intended nationally determined
contributions” on combating climate change before the Paris Conference to be
held in late 2015. Countries that are fully prepared can submit their “contributions”
in the first quarter of 2015, and some developed countries have already done
so. We have noted this and welcome this. It is our belief that “contributions”
of all countries should be comprehensive and balanced, covering all elements
including mitigation, adaptation, funding, technology and capacity building.
China is actively studying this and strives to submit China’s “contributions”
in the first half of this year with the least delay.
Q: Russian President
Putin will come to China in September for the commemorations marking the 70th
anniversary of the victory of the Chinese People’s War of Resistance Against Japanese
Aggression and the World Anti-Fascist War. Is China worried that leaders from
some countries may be unwilling to attend the commemorations? Can you update us
on the communication between China and the US, Australia, New Zealand, France,
the UK and other countries?
A: This year marks the
70th anniversary of the victory of the World Anti-Fascist War. Many countries
as well as the UN will hold various activities commemorating the 70th
anniversary of the victory of the Second World War and the founding of the UN.
China has said on multiple occasions that the Chinese government will hold
grand commemorations in Beijing this September to commemorate the 70th
anniversary of the victory of the Chinese People’s War of Resistance Against
Japanese Aggression and the World Anti-Fascist War, in a bid to memorize
history, honor the fallen heroes, cherish peace and open up to the future. All
peace-and-justice-loving countries in the world will take this year as an
important opportunity to review history, draw upon experience and lessons and
better safeguard peace that comes at a great cost. Relevant commemorations are
in preparation.
China has sent invitations to
leaders of all relevant countries and international organizations. We will keep
in touch with parties concerned through diplomatic channels.
Q: First, officials from
Puntland, Somalia said that more and more ships from Iran, the ROK and China
are involved in illegal fishing off the Somali waters. UN officials said that
the rise of illegal fishing may lead to rampant piracy. Has China asked its
fishermen to stop illegal fishing? Second, a report says that a US website was
under hacker attack, and the source of the attack was from China. How do you
A: On your first
question, the Chinese government is opposed to illegal fishing, and we have
been asking Chinese citizens to fish in accordance with the law. We also hope
countries concerned can take tangible steps to safeguard the security and
rights and interests of the Chinese fishermen.
On your second question, it is
quite odd that every time a website in the US or any other country is under
attack, there will be speculation that Chinese hackers are behind it. I’d like
to remind you that China is one of the major victims of cyber attacks. We have
been underlining that China hopes to work with the international community to
speed up the making of international rules and jointly keep the cyber space
peaceful, secure, open and cooperative. It is hoped that all parties can work
in concert to address hacker attacks in a positive and constructive manner.
Q: The Arab League
Summit was held in Egypt to discuss the formation of a joint Arab military
force to help Arab states deal with national security threats and combat
terrorism. What is China’s comment on this?
A: We have taken note of
the Arab League Summit. China hopes that the Yemeni crisis can be politically
resolved as soon as possible, and calls on all parties to implement relevant UN
Security Council resolutions and GCC proposals and restore stability and normal
order to Yemen.
Q: The Chinese naval
fleet is now evacuating Chinese nationals in Yemen near the Gulf of Aden. In
addition to this, will the Chinese vessels also undertake peacekeeping missions
A: At the request of the
Somali government, the Chinese naval fleet has been on escort mission in the
Somali waters and the Gulf of Aden following relevant resolutions of the UN
Security Council since 2008. Apart from protecting ships from China and other
countries passing by and the security of relevant personnel, the Chinese naval
fleet has also participated in humanitarian assistance when necessary.
The Chinese naval fleet is currently on evacuation mission of Chinese nationals. The escort mission will be resumed in the Gulf of Aden and the Somali waters after the evacuation is completed. |
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