外交部发言人华春莹例行记者会(2015年4月7日) Foreign
Ministry Spokesperson Hua Chunying’s Regular Press Conference on April 7, 2015
The Fifty-fourth Annual Session
of the Asian-African Legal Consultative Organization (AALCO) will be held in
Beijing from April 13 to 17. Premier Li Keqiang of the State Council will
attend and address the Inaugural Session. AALCO member states and relevant
international organizations will send delegations to the Session.
A Special Event on Commemorating
the 60th Anniversary of the Bandung Conference and an International Colloquium
on Charter of the United Nations and
the Post-war International Order will be held during the Session.
At the invitation of Meng
Jianzhu, Chairman of the Chinese side of the China-Belarus Intergovernmental
Cooperation Committee, member of the Political Bureau of the Central Committee
of the Communist Party of China (CPC) and Secretary of the Commission of
Political and Legal Affairs under the CPC Central Committee, Nikolai Snopkov,
Chairman of the Belarusian side of the Committee and Deputy Head of the Belarus
President Administration will hold a chairmen’s meeting with Meng Jianzhu in
Beijing on April 10.
Q: You just mentioned
that a Special Event on Commemorating the 60th Anniversary of the Bandung
Conference and an International Colloquium on Charter of the United Nations and the Post-war International Order
will be held during the AALCO Annual Session. Would you please give us more
details on that?
A: The AALCO is an
intergovernmental organization established in 1956, following the spirit of the
1955 Bandung Asian-African Conference. The AALCO is to promote exchanges and
consultation among Asian and African countries on issues concerning
international law, and give voice to Asian and African countries in the course
of developing international law. Since the establishment of the AALCO nearly
six decades ago, it has made important contributions, enabling Asian and
African countries to enhance coordination and cooperation, and speak with one
voice for their common interests in the field of international law.
This year marks the 60th
anniversary of the Bandung Conference and the 70th anniversary of the victory
of the World Anti-Fascist War and the founding of the UN. AALCO is an important
tangible result of the Bandung Conference. The Special Event on Commemorating
the 60th Anniversary of the Bandung Conference and the International Colloquium
on Charter of the United Nations and
the Post-war International Order to be held during the AALCO Annual Session aim
at showcasing the determination and efforts of the AALCO as well as Asian and
African countries to carry forward the Bandung Spirit, uphold the sanctity of
the UN Charter, promote the international rule of law and enhance win-win
cooperation in unison.
The Chinese side will work in
concert with the AALCO and other members to ensure the Annual Session a full
success, and continue to make relentless efforts together with Asian and
African countries to enhance democracy and the rule of law in international
Q: The US Defense
Secretary yesterday voiced concerns about China’s activities in the South China
Sea and the cyberspace. What is China’s response to that?
A: We have repeatedly
elaborated on China’s stance on issues relating to the South China Sea and cyber
security. We hope that the American side would join China in carrying out
positive and constructive dialogue and cooperation in the field of cyber
security, so as to safeguard peace, security, openness and cooperation of the
cyberspace. It is hoped that the US side would respect the efforts made by
countries in the region to safeguard peace and stability of the South China
Q: On April 6, the
Japanese Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology made
public the result of its review on junior high schools’ textbooks, authorizing
new textbooks to describe Diaoyu Dao as Japan’s “inherent territory”. Setbacks
are also seen on the description of the Nanjing Massacre and other history
issues. What is China’s comment on that?
A: The Chinese side is
deeply concerned about what is happening in Japan. Diaoyu Dao and its
affiliated islands have been an integral part of China since ancient times.
That is fully supported by historical and jurisprudential evidence. Whatever
means the Japanese side may employ to advertise its wrong position, it cannot
change the basic fact.
The Nanjing Massacre is an
atrocity committed by the Japanese militarism during its war of aggression
against China. The conclusion has already been reached based on irrefutable
evidence. How Japan views and deals with the relevant issue is a reflection of
whether Japan has an honest, responsible and correct outlook on history.
History is history, which cannot and must not be altered. We once again urge
the Japanese side to be highly responsible with history, teach the younger
generation with a correct outlook on history, honor its commitment of facing
squarely and reflecting upon the history of aggression and make tangible
efforts to improve its relations with neighboring countries.
Q: What is China’s
comment on the current situation in Yemen? Russia has presented a draft
resolution to the UN Security Council, calling for an immediate ceasefire in Yemen.
Does China support that?
A: The Chinese side is
deeply concerned about the situation in Yemen and calls on all relevant parties
to realize an immediate ceasefire so as to prevent further casualties of
civilians. The Chinese side hopes that all parties concerned will take concrete
steps to implement the UN Security Council resolutions and the initiatives of
the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC), resolve the crisis through political
dialogue and bring stability and order back to Yemen as soon as possible.
The Chinese side also pays high
attention to the humanitarian situation in Yemen. We call on all relevant
parties to abide by international law, facilitate and ensure the security of
other countries’ evacuation of their nationals in Yemen. The Security Council
should play a constructive role in easing the tension and alleviating the
humanitarian situation in Yemen and pushing for the political settlement of the
Yemeni issue.
Q: It is reported that
President Xi Jinping will visit Pakistan in the near term. Can you confirm
A: China and Pakistan are
amicable neighbors and all-weather partners. President Xi Jinping looks forward
to visiting Pakistan as soon as possible. The two sides are in close
communication on that. We will release the information in due course.
Q: First, Japan revised
its description of China-Japan relations in the newly published Diplomatic Bluebook, putting more weight
on the territorial dispute over Diaoyu Dao. What is China’s comment on that?
Second, Nguyen Phu Trong, General Secretary of the Central Committee of the
Communist Party of Vietnam kicks off his visit to China today. What is China’s
expectation for the visit?
A: On your first
question, China holds a consistent position on China-Japan relations. We would
like to advance China-Japan strategic relationship of mutual benefit based on
the four political documents between the two countries, following the spirit of
learning lessons from the history and looking into the future. We have been
stressing that Diaoyu Dao belongs to China, and that China’s determination and
will to safeguard territorial sovereignty admit of no doubt. We will stay
committed to upholding China’s territorial sovereignty over Diaoyu Dao and
properly handling and resolving the relevant issue through dialogue and
On your second question, at the
invitation of General Secretary of the CPC Central Committee and President Xi
Jinping, General Secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of
Vietnam Nguyen Phu Trong is in China for an official visit from April 7 to 10.
Later this afternoon, President Xi Jinping will hold a welcome ceremony for
General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong, have talks with him and join him in
witnessing a signing ceremony. This is General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong’s
second visit to China during his terms of office. The Chinese side attaches
great importance to the visit. Leaders from both sides will exchange views on
the bilateral relationship and issues of common interest.
This year marks the 65th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic ties between China and Vietnam. Amity and cooperation have been the main stream of China-Vietnam relations over the past 65 years. Bilateral cooperation has yielded fruitful results in various fields, delivering tangible benefits to the two peoples. The party and government of China maintain that a strategic and long-term approach should be adopted in viewing and dealing with China-Vietnam relations, and stand ready to work with the party and government of Vietnam to strive for the sound and steady growth of China-Vietnam comprehensive strategic partnership of cooperation, following the guidelines of developing a future-oriented relationship featuring long-term stability, good-neighborliness and all-round cooperation, and the spirit of staying as good neighbors, friends, comrades and partners. |
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