外交部发言人华春莹例行记者会(2015年6月29日) Foreign
Ministry Spokesperson Hua Chunying’s Regular Press Conference on June 29, 2015
At the invitation of President
Vladimir Putin of the Russian Federation, President Xi Jinping will attend the
seventh BRICS Summit on July 8 and 9 and the 15th Meeting of the Council of the
Heads of State of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization Member States on July 9
and 10 in Ufa, Russia.
At the invitation of King Tupou
VI of the Kingdom of Tonga, head of the China National Tourism Administration
Li Jinzao will attend the coronation ceremony of King Tupou VI as the Special
Envoy of President Xi Jinping on July 4.
Q: A Japanese weekly
magazine reported the other day that Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe told
heads of media agencies in an internal meeting in early June that amendments to
the security law were made with China and the South China Sea in mind. Commentary
said that Abe took China as the imaginary enemy of the self-defense force and
the US army. What is China’s comment on that?
A: We have noted the
relevant report. If it should be true, the Japanese side would have to make
explanation and clarification on that.
There have been a series of
negative moves taken by Japan over the recent period of time. Domestically, it
speeds up adjustments to the security policy and pursues military buildup
through constitutional reform. Externally, it hypes up and creates regional
tensions by making use of the issue of the South China Sea. The real intention
behind the above negative moves by Japan is alarming. I would like to stress
that the Chinese side is firmly resolved in safeguarding its territorial
sovereignty and maritime rights and interests on the issue of the South China
Sea. Due to historical reason, actions taken by the Japanese side in the
military and security fields always draw wide attention from Japan’s Asian
neighbors and the international community. Any words or deeds within Japan that
play up tensions or instigate confrontation go against the trend of world peace
and development as well as the aspiration of the public, and are doomed to be
rejected and condemned by the peace lovers. History has shown that those who
dreamed of making profits in troubled and risky situations would overreach
themselves and eat the bitter fruit of their own making. We urge the Japanese
side to learn lessons from the history, stay on the path of peaceful
development and take prudent actions in the military and security fields so as
to avoid committing the same mistake.
Q: How is China
concerned about Greece’s possible withdrawal from the Euro Zone?
A: We take note of the
recent bailout negotiation between the Greek government and international
creditors, and applaud the efforts made by all relevant parties. The Chinese
side consistently supports the integration process in Europe, and is happy to
see a stable, united and prosperous EU. We believe that the Euro Zone has the capability
and wisdom to properly resolve the European debt issue and tide over the
difficulties. The Greek debt issue is currently in a critical situation, and
China is willing to see a Euro Zone with Greece in it and hopes for success of
relevant negotiations.
Q: The Columbia
Broadcasting System (CBS) has applied many times to visit China’s Nansha
islands and reefs where construction is taking place, but has got no permission
yet. Do you think it is possible for us to get this opportunity? Is China
trying to hide something since it forbids us to visit those islands?
A: I am not aware of the
application by the CBS to visit some Nansha islands and reefs. I cannot give an
explicit response to your request at this moment. But I can tell you for sure
that the Chinese government has nothing to hide from the international
community. China holds a consistent and clear-cut position on the South China
Sea issue.
Q: The US Deputy
Secretary of State Antony Blinken delivered a speech the other day, saying that
China’s massive reclamation in the South China Sea was a threat to peace and
stability and a unilateral move to coercively change the status quo. What is
China’s response to this?
A: China has repeatedly
elaborated on its position regarding the construction on Nansha islands and
reefs. Relevant construction falls entirely within China’s sovereignty. It is
different in nature from some countries’ “unlawful construction” on illegally
occupied Chinese islands and reefs, and has nothing to do with unilaterally and
coercively changing the status quo. Moreover, China has never recognized the
so-called “status quo” created by other countries’ illegal occupation of some
maritime features of the Nansha Islands.
It is hoped that the US side
would refrain from discriminating in favor of its allies, act on the own merits
of the case and respect China’s sovereignty and rights and interests, stop
making any irresponsible remarks that deliberately fuel regional tensions and
confrontation, and do more things that will genuinely contribute to regional
peace and stability. This is also in the interests of the US itself.
Q: In the China-ASEAN
Senior Officials’ Consultation held this June, all parties agreed to hold the
14th Joint Working Group Meeting on Implementing the Declaration on the Conduct of Parties in the South China Sea (DOC).
Please brief us more on this.
A: China and ASEAN
countries will hold the 14th Joint Working Group Meeting on Implementing the DOC in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia from July
1 to 3. The Chinese side will exchange in-depth views with parties concerned on
fully and effectively implementing the DOC,
enhancing and deepening maritime pragmatic cooperation and pushing forward the Code of Conduct in the South China Sea (COC)
consultations based on existing outcomes.
Officials from the competent
authorities and experts of various countries will meet on the sidelines of the
meeting to press ahead with the implementation of the “early harvest” outcomes.
Discussions will also be held on setting up a China-ASEAN maritime search and
rescue hot-line platform and a China-ASEAN hot-line platform among senior
officials of the foreign ministries in response to maritime contingencies.
Q: The signing ceremony
of the Articles of Agreement of the Asian
Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB) was held this morning. How will the
AIIB contribute to or affect China’s diplomacy and economy?
A: The signing ceremony
of the Articles of Agreement of the AIIB
was held this morning in Beijing. Finance ministers or representatives from the
57 perspective founding members of the AIIB attended the ceremony. President Xi
Jinping met with the heads of delegations from various countries attending the
ceremony in the Great Hall of the People.
President Xi Jinping first
extended warm congratulations on the signing of the Agreement on behalf of the Chinese government. He pointed out that
China’s proposal of setting up the AIIB means to advance the infrastructure
building and connectivity in Asia, deepen regional cooperation, and realize
common development. This proposal is well responded by countries inside and
outside the region. The signing of the Agreement
demonstrates the practical efforts by all parties to seek common
development through unity and cooperation in the principle of openness and
inclusiveness. As long as all parties carry on with the spirit of multilateral
cooperation, we are sure to build the AIIB into a new platform featuring
openness, inclusiveness and win-win results and make positive contribution to
the infrastructure building in Asia.
During the meeting with President
Xi Jinping, representatives from Switzerland, New Zealand and the ROK all said
that China’s proposal of establishing the AIIB is timely and significant. The
AIIB, together with the Belt and Road initiatives, will substantially alleviate
the bottleneck and the funding restrictions on this region’s infrastructure
building, strengthen trade connections and connectivity among regional
countries, deliver special assistance to countries that are poor in
infrastructure, and promote Asia’s development. It is believed that the AIIB
will become an integral part of the international financial institutions for
development. While proposing and preparing for the establishment of the AIIB,
the Chinese side displays admirable willingness and openness. Relevant member
countries will work in tandem to ensure that the AIIB will become a pragmatic
and efficient international financial institution. It is believed that the AIIB
will play a vitally leading role in Asia’s development.
Q: Will China recommend a
strong and powerful candidate as the governor of the AIIB? Who will be the head
of it?
A: You may refer to the Articles of Agreement of the AIIB which
includes unequivocal terms concerning the governance structure of the AIIB. I’d
like to point you to competent authorities for specific questions.
Q: In the signing
ceremony of the Articles of Agreement of
the AIIB, seven countries including the Philippines and Thailand did not
put their signatures on the Agreement.
Can you tell us why? What follow-up procedures will they expect?
A: This morning, finance ministers or representatives from the 57 perspective founding members of the AIIB took part in the signing ceremony. 50 countries that have gained domestic approvals officially sealed the Articles of Agreement, and the rest 7 countries that have not yet gained domestic approvals witnessed the signing ceremony. According to provisions of the Articles of Agreement, those perspective founding members that failed to sign the Agreement this time can sign it before the end of this year. |
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