外交部发言人华春莹例行记者会(2015年7月1日) Foreign
Ministry Spokesperson Hua Chunying’s Regular Press Conference on July 1, 2015
At the invitation of the
government of Cabo Verde, Cui Li, Vice Minister of the National Health and
Family Planning Commission, will attend celebrations marking the 40th
anniversary of the independence of Cabo Verde on July 5 as the special envoy of
the Chinese government.
Q: It is reported that
the P5+1 and Iran decided to extend the Iranian nuclear talks to July 7 so as
to seek a long-term solution to the nuclear issue. Do you think it is possible
to reach a comprehensive agreement before July 7?
A: The Iranian nuclear
talks for a comprehensive agreement have come to the final pivotal stage, or
the home stretch of a marathon as Foreign Minister Wang Yi put it. Firm resolve
and utmost efforts are all the more important at such a time. As we have seen,
all parties involved in the negotiation have displayed strong political
willingness and are making positive efforts to seal the agreement. We hope that
all parties would bear in mind the overall picture, make key political
decisions, and strive for a comprehensive agreement on the Iranian nuclear
issue at an early date. The Chinese side will continuously play a constructive
role to that end.
Q: The Greek government
failed to pay its debt to the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and is now in
default, becoming the first developed country that ever defaults on the IMF. Is
China concerned that the Greek debt crisis may spin out of control?
A: Premier Li Keqiang is
currently visiting Europe. He has enunciated the Chinese government’s views on
the Greek debt issue on several occasions.
The Greek debt issue is an internal
affair of Europe. Yet a eurozone with or without Greece bears on the stability
of its own as well as global financial stability and economic recovery. China
always stands for the integration process of Europe, and wishes to see a
prosperous Europe, a united EU and a strong euro. It is hoped that
international creditors and the Greek side would reach an agreement so that
both Greece and the eurozone would go through this crisis as soon as possible.
We’d like to see that Greece stays in the eurozone, and will continue to play a
constructive role to this end.
Q: The US is said to
officially announce an agreement with Cuba on resuming diplomatic relations and
reopening embassies in each other’s countries today. How does China comment on
A: We have noted the
report. China welcomes and supports the normalization of Cuba-US relations.
Restoration of diplomatic relations between the US and Cuba is in the common
interests of the two countries and the two peoples. It is hoped that the US
side would soon and completely remove all bans and sanctions on Cuba, and
develop normal state-to-state relations with Cuba on the basis of mutual
respect, equality and mutual benefit.
Q: According to media
reports, an Indonesian airforce transport plane crashed on June 30, killing and
injuring over 100 people. Is there any Chinese citizen among the dead and the
A: We have noted the
report. We feel deeply sorry for Indonesia hit by the tragic incident, extend
condolences to all the victims and sympathies to their families. There has been
no report about Chinese casualties.
Q: The NPC Standing
Committee has ratified the proposal of establishing the BRICS New Development
Bank (NDB). Please give us more details on that.
A: The 15th meeting of
the 12th NPC Standing Committee approved the Agreement on Establishing the NDB on July 1.
The NDB is an important
achievement of BRICS cooperation. The Chinese side looks forward to the early
operation of the Bank, which will mobilize resources for the infrastructure
building and sustainable development of emerging economies and developing
countries and push for common development of the world.
According to the plan agreed by
the five BRICS countries, the NDB will hold the first council meeting in
Moscow, Russia on July 7, nominate members of the board and the inaugural
leadership, lay down the rules of procedure for the council and the board, and
discuss the 5-year development strategy of the Bank. It is learned that the
management of the Bank will take office in Shanghai in the middle of this
India has appointed Mr. Kamath as
the first governor of the Bank. We hope that Mr. Kamath would lead the team to
carry out preparation work as soon as possible and get the Bank running. As the
host country of the Bank, China will deliver support and convenience for the
start of operation of the Bank, as well as for the work of Mr. Kamath and other
management and staff in China.
Q: The Asian
Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB) and the BRICS NDB start operation
simultaneously. What impact will the AIIB which includes 57 founding members
have on the NDB? Is it true that the AIIB will be in a dominant role with the
NDB at the backseat?
A: The AIIB is set up
mainly to facilitate the investment and financing for economic development and
infrastructure connectivity in Asia and bolster the sustainable development of
the Asian economy. The building of the BRICS NDB is meant to support the
infrastructure building and sustainable development projects in BRICS countries
and other emerging markets and developing countries. It will supplement the
existing multilateral and regional development banks in promoting
infrastructure building and sustainable development, build a constructive
platform for BRICS countries to participate in global economic governance, and
make the BRICS countries more influential and vocal in international economic affairs.
There is no such thing as a dominant or backseat role played by the AIIB and the BRICS NDB. The two are rather complementing and reinforcing each other, and will make respective contribution to global growth and development. |
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