Remarks by President Obama at the Arrival Ceremony for and President Xi of the People’s Republic of China
South Lawn, White House
September 25, 2015
Good morning. Ni hao. President Xi, Madame Peng, members of the Chinese delegation, on behalf of Michelle and myself, welcome to the White House. And on behalf of the American people, welcome to the United States.
Across more than two centuries, Americans and Chinese have traded together. Chinese immigrants helped build our railroads and our great cities. The United States is enriched by millions of proud Chinese Americans, including those who join us here this morning. So this visit reflects a history of friendship and cooperation between our two great peoples.
This is also an opportunity for Michelle and me to reciprocate the hospitality shown to us during our visits to China. Michelle, our daughters and my mother-in-law were warmly welcomed last year as they traveled across the country, as was I when I made a state visit to Beijing. And I’m told that news about Michelle’s trip got some one billion views online. President Xi, I believe that we are both accustomed to being outshone by our dynamic spouses.
As I have said many times, the United States welcomes the rise of a China that is stable, prosperous and peaceful – because that benefits us all. Our work together – to increase our trade, boost the global economy, fight climate change and prevent Iran from obtaining a nuclear weapon – shows that when the United States and China work together, it makes our nations and the world more prosperous and more secure.
Even as our nations cooperate, I believe – and I know you agree – that we must address our differences candidly. The United States will always speak out on behalf of fundamental truths. We believe that nations are more successful and the world makes more progress when our companies compete on a level playing field, when disputes are resolved peacefully, and when the universal human rights of all people are upheld.
During our multiple visits together, I believe that we have made significant progress in enhancing understanding between our two nations and laying the foundation for continued cooperation.
President Xi, you’ve spoken of your vision of China’s peaceful development. During my visit to Beijing last year, you said that there were “wide areas” where our two nations “need to and can cooperate with each other.” And I fully agree. In fact, I believe that our two great nations, if we work together, have an unmatched ability to shape the course of the century ahead. President Xi, Madame Peng, members of the Chinese delegation – in that spirit, with the eyes and hopes of the world upon us, welcome to the United States of America. |
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