英语口译资料下载 外交部发言人洪磊例行记者会(2015年9月28日) Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Hong Lei’s Regular Press Conference on September 28, 2015
Q: Please update us on casualties of Chinese citizens caused by the Hajj stampede in Mecca, Saudi Arabia and efforts made by China.
A: The Chinese Foreign Ministry is highly concerned about the Hajj stampede in Mina, Mecca of Saudi Arabia. The Chinese Embassy in Saudi Arabia and the Consulate General in Jeddah have made all-out efforts over these past days to verify information and deal with follow-up matters. Up till 8 o’clock this morning, we have got in touch with altogether over 14,500 members of the Chinese Pilgrimage Group and found them all safe and sound. They will soon head home as they have completed the pilgrimage. We have got the information that four Chinese pilgrims who traveled on their own were killed in the stampede. The Chinese Embassy in Saudi Arabia is checking on that and assisting with the management of follow-up matters. The Embassy will follow closely the development and properly deal with what is coming up.
Q: Brazilian President Dilma Rousseff reportedly pledged to cut Brazil’s carbon emissions by 37 percent by 2025 and 43 percent by 2030 from the 2005 level. What is China’s comment on that? What kind of cooperation will China and Brazil have to tackle climate change?
A: The Chinese side welcomes Brazil’s post-2020 action plan against climate change. It stands ready to enhance communication and coordination with all parties including Brazil, and work for the success of the Paris Climate Change Conference to be held at year end, following principles of common but differentiated responsibilities, equity and respective capabilities.
Q: President Xi Jinping attended and hosted the Global Summit on Women at the UN headquarters on September 27, elaborating China’s position on promoting the global cause of women and intensifying international cooperation. How does China’s view the outcomes of the Summit?
A: China attaches great importance to gender equality and women’s empowerment, takes concrete steps to promote the cause of women in China which has yielded remarkable results, and contributes positively to the international cause of women.
With the active participation and support of all relevant parties, the Global Summit on Women co-hosted by China and UN Women achieved a full success. About 80 state leaders attended the Summit and made an important commitment to implementing the outcome document of the World Conference on Women in Beijing and women-related targets set by the Post-2015 Development Agenda. This is a milestone event in the history of the international cause of women, bearing great historic significance. Efforts made by China for the success of the Summit and steps to be taken for the advancement of the global cause of women as announced by President Xi Jinping embody the stress China lays on and the firm commitment it makes to the cause of women. The international community speaks highly of that.
Q: How does China comment on the consensus reached between China and the US on the issue of cyber security during President Xi Jinping’s visit?
A: The two heads of state talked about the issue of cyber security during President Xi Jinping’s visit to the US.
China and the US agree that timely responses should be provided to requests for information and assistance concerning malicious cyber activities. Further, both sides agree to cooperate, in a manner consistent with their respective national laws and relevant international obligations, with requests to investigate cybercrimes, collect electronic evidence, and mitigate malicious cyber activities emanating from their territory. Both sides also agree to provide updates on the status and results of those investigations to the other side, as appropriate.
China and the US agree that neither country’s government will conduct or knowingly support cyber-enabled theft of intellectual property, including trade secrets or other confidential business information, with the intent of providing competitive advantages to companies or commercial sectors.
Both sides are committed to making common efforts to further identify and promote appropriate norms of state behavior in cyberspace within the international community.
The two sides also agree to establish a high-level joint dialogue mechanism on fighting cybercrime and related issues. This mechanism will be used to review the timeliness and quality of responses to requests for information and assistance with respect to malicious cyber activities of concern identified by either side. As part of this mechanism, both sides agree to establish a hotline in case there is an escalation of issues in the course of responding to such requests.
It is believed that consensus reached by China and the US on the issue of cyber security will help enhance mutual trust and promote cooperation between the two countries in this regard, and have positive effects on the sound and steady growth of China-US relations.
Q: A joint statement released by Japan, India, Brazil and Germany asserted their rights to the permanent membership of the UN Security Council and called for the establishment of a time frame for the translation of the UN Security Council reform into reality. It also said that a decision shall be made by the Security Council on the occasion of the 70th anniversary of the UN. How does China respond?
A: China stands for the UN Security Council reform which will give the Security Council more authority and effectiveness, and developing countries more representation and voice. The reform is related to UN’s future and the immediate interests of all member states, and thus deserves full discussion and extensive consultation for the broadest consensus. The Chinese side is ready to work with all parties on a comprehensive reform plan that accommodates all parties’ interests and concerns.
Q: The Thai police confirmed on September 26 two culprits behind the deadly Bangkok bombing. It is said that the two have made confessions and the Thai government has gathered enough evidence to prosecute them. What is China’s comment on that?
A: The Chinese side follows closely the investigation and stays in touch with the Thai side. We support efforts made by the Thai side to pursue the perpetrators. Whoever committed the bombing shall be subject to the punishment of law. The Chinese side will make concerted efforts with the international community to crack down on such kind of criminal activities. |
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