英语口译资料下载 外交部发言人洪磊例行记者会(2016年3月30日) Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Hong Lei’s Regular Press Conference on March 30, 2016
Q: The US side hopes that China will accept an offer for a technical briefing on THAAD system the US wants to deploy in the ROK. Will China accept such a technical briefing?
A: China has on many occasions expressed its position on the relevant issue. Instead of being a pure technical issue, the US possible deployment of THAAD system in the ROK is a strategic issue that bears on the peace and stability of Northeast Asia. The deployment of THAAD system far exceeds the actual defense needs of the Korean Peninsula and will directly harm China’s strategic security interests and disrupt regional strategic balance. The Korean Peninsula is in a complex and sensitive state. It is hoped that the relevant country could be responsible and prudent, and do more that benefit regional peace and security.
Q: As Japan’s new security bill has come into force, Japan is now capable of exercising collective self-defense right. Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe also said that he would push for a revision of the constitution. Some people say that these moves are aimed at China. What is your comment? How will these moves affect China-Japan relations?
A: The implementation of the new security bill is a major post-war adjustment to Japan’s military and security policies, which has raised doubts about whether Japan has second thoughts about the path of peaceful development. There are also strong voices of opposition to the new security bill inside Japan.
Because of Japan’s behaviors in the past and present, the path that Japan chooses to follow has been closely watched. As a close neighbor and a victim of WWII, we urge Japan to learn from history, heed the call for justice from Japan and the international community, take the security concerns of its Asian neighbors seriously, act with prudence in the military and security fields, and stick to the path of peaceful development. It needs to be stressed that some forces in Japan have been trying to push forward their domestic political agenda by fabricating the so-called “China threat”. We are firmly opposed to that. We ask the Japanese side to refrain from doing anything that undermines China’s sovereignty and security interests as well as regional peace and stability.
Q: It is reported that China has deployed anti-ship missiles in the Xisha Islands. Can you confirm? Some say that this is another sign that China is pushing ahead with militarization of the South China Sea. What is your comment?
A: The Xisha Islands are China’s inherent territory. China’s deployment of national defense facilities on its own territory is reasonable and justified. It has nothing to do with the so-called militarization. |
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