英语口译资料下载 外交部发言人洪磊例行记者会(2016年4月8日) Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Hong Lei’s Regular Press Conference on April 8, 2016
Q: Regarding the ban plea by India in the UN on one of the militant leaders from Pakistan, the Indian Foreign Secretary said that it has been taken to a higher level with Chinese leadership and officials. Can you give us more details about the conversation between China and India in this regard?
A: China opposes all forms of terrorism and stands ready to strengthen pragmatic cooperation with all parties on fighting terrorism. China all along deals with the listing matter of the UN Security Council Committee established pursuant to Resolution 1267 on the basis of facts and in accordance with the UN Security Council resolutions and relevant rules of procedure. China remains in contact with all relevant parties including India on this matter.
Q: Office of the US Trade Representative published a report saying that China’s Great Firewall and censorship is posing an obstacle to international business. What is your comment?
A: The booming development of China’s Internet has created a broad space of growth for enterprises from different countries. China’s policy of attracting foreign investment will remain unchanged, so it is with the policies of protecting legitimate rights and interests of foreign companies in China and providing them with a sound business environment. We hope that countries will respect each others’ independent choice of development path, management pattern and public policy concerning the Internet as well as their right of participating in international Internet governance.
Q: First, Vietnam demanded China move the oil rig Haiyang Shiyou 981 and abandon plans to start drilling in waters outside the mouth of Beibu Bay where the two countries have disputes. What is China’s comment? Second, Vietnam criticized China’s decision of fully operating a lighthouse on Zhubi Jiao as violating Vietnam’s sovereignty. What is China’s response?
A: On your first question, the operation is in waters under undisputed jurisdiction of China. It is a normal activity of business exploration. It is hoped that the relevant party will be objective and reasonable about that.
On your second question, it is within China’s sovereignty and justifiable for China to fully operate the lighthouse on Zhubi Jiao. By doing so, China is to better perform its international responsibility and obligation, offer more public services to navigation in the South China Sea and ensure the freedom and safety of navigation in the region.
After the press conference, a journalist asked: The Secretariat of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) said on April 7 that over 130 countries have confirmed that they will attend the signing ceremony on the Paris Climate Change Agreement to be convened in New York on April 22. Will China sign the agreement? What is China’s stance on the agreement?
Hong Lei: The Paris Climate Change Agreement successfully reached by the international community last year is of historic significance as it charts the course and sets the target for post-2020 global cooperation against climate change. This year is crucial for the implementation of the Paris Agreement by the international community. The high-level signing ceremony presided over by the UN Secretary General will serve as a powerful political driving force for the signing and entry into force of the Agreement. Days ago, China and the US issued a joint statement on climate change, pledging to take respective domestic steps in order to join the Agreement as early as possible this year. We will continue with our communication and cooperation with other parties, work as one to effectively implement the Agreement and press ahead with the international campaign against climate change. |
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