英语口译资料下载 在《巴黎协定》高级别签署仪式开幕式上的讲话 Speech at the Opening of the High-level Signature Ceremony for the Paris Agreement
中华人民共和国国务院副总理 张高丽 Zhang Gaoli, Vice Premier of the State Council of the People’s Republic of China
2016年4月22日,纽约联合国总部 UN Headquarters, April 22, 2016
Mr. Secretary-General, Ladies and Gentlemen, Dear Friends,
It gives me great pleasure to attend this meeting as Special Envoy of President Xi Jinping, and sign the Paris Agreement on behalf of China. The Paris Agreement is a milestone in the global response to climate change. Our signing of this Agreement further demonstrates our resolve and action to address the challenge.
China actively worked for the conclusion of the Paris Agreement. President Xi Jinping attended the Paris Conference, and put forward China’s vision and proposals. And China played a vital role in the negotiation process.
China is a responsible major developing country. The Chinese people honor their commitments. We will work hard to earnestly implement the Paris Agreement.
First, we will make early accession to the Paris Agreement. China will finalize domestic legal procedures on its accession before the G20 Hangzhou Summit in September this year. We’ve asked other G20 members and we’ll work with the rest of the international community for early accession to the Agreement and ensure its early entry into force.
Second, we will take effective actions at home to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. China has set the target of achieving the peaking of carbon dioxide emissions around 2030, and making best efforts to peak early. And relevant actions have been incorporated into our national development plans. According to our 13th Five-Year Plan, carbon dioxide emission per unit of GDP will drop by 18% in the next five years. We’ll control both the total energy consumption and carbon intensity, (and) carry out near-zero emission demonstration projects. We’ll launch a national emission trading market; substantially increase forest carbon sink. We’ll put in place a strict accountability system for environmental protection and ensure the implementation of all targets.
Third, we’ll enhance international cooperation against climate change. China will take an active part in the follow-up negotiations of the Paris Agreement. We’ll deepen South-South cooperation on climate change. New cooperation projects have been launched this year under the fund for South-South cooperation on climate change set by China, particularly including those aiming to enhance the climate financing capacity of developing countries.
Colleagues, Dear Friends,
Let’s work together to ensure climate security and green development, and make the world a better place for our generation and future generations.
Thank you. |
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