XXXIX<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" /> O! how thy worth with manners may I sing, When thou art all the better part of me? What can mine own praise to mine own self bring? And what is’t but mine own when I praise thee? Even for this, let us divided live, And our dear love lose name of single one, That by this separation I may give That due to thee, which thou deserv’st alone. O absence! what a torment wouldst thou prove, Were it not thy sour leisure gave sweet leave To entertain the time with thoughts of love, Which time and thoughts so sweetly doth deceive, And that thou teachest how to make one twain, By praising him here who doth hence remain. 39 哦,我怎能不越礼地把你歌颂, 当我的最优美部分全属于你? 赞美我自己对我自己有何用? 赞美你岂不等于赞美我自己? 就是为这点我们也得要分手, 使我们的爱名义上各自独处, 以便我可以,在这样分离之后, 把你该独得的赞美全部献出。 别离呵!你会给我多大的痛创, 倘若你辛酸的闲暇不批准我 拿出甜蜜的情思来款待时光, 用甜言把时光和相思蒙混过— 如果你不教我怎样化一为二, 使我在这里赞美远方的人儿! (梁宗岱 译) |
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