XLI<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" /> Those petty wrongs that liberty commits, When I am sometimes absent from thy heart, Thy beauty and thy years full well befits, For still temptation follows where thou art. Gentle thou art, and therefore to be won, Beauteous thou art, therefore to be assail’d; And when a woman woos, what woman’s son Will sourly leave her till she have prevail’d? Ay me! but yet thou might’st my seat forbear, And chide thy beauty and thy straying youth, Who lead thee in their riot even there Where thou art forc’d to break a twofold truth;-- Hers, by thy beauty tempting her to thee, Thine, by thy beauty being false to me. 41 你那放荡不羁所犯的风流罪 (当我有时候远远离开你的心) 与你的美貌和青春那么相配, 无论到哪里,诱惑都把你追寻。 你那么温文,谁不想把你夺取? 那么姣好,又怎么不被人围攻? 而当女人追求,凡女人的儿子 谁能坚苦挣扎,不向她怀里送? 唉!但你总不必把我的位儿占, 并斥责你的美丽和青春的迷惑: 它们引你去犯那么大的狂乱, 使你不得不撕毁了两重誓约: 她的,因为你的美诱她去就你; 你的,因为你的美对我失信义。 (梁宗岱 译) |
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