XLII<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" /> That thou hast her, it is not all my grief, And yet it may be said I lov’d her dearly; That she hath thee, is of my wailing chief, A loss in love that touches me more nearly. Loving offenders, thus I will excuse ye: Thou dost love her, because thou know’st I love her; And for my sake even so doth she abuse me, Suffering my friend for my sake to approve her. If I lose thee, my loss is my love’s gain, And losing her, my friend hath found that loss; Both find each other, and I lose both twain, And both for my sake lay on me this cross: But here’s the joy; my friend and I are one; Sweet flattery! then she loves but me alone. 42 你占有她,并非我最大的哀愁, 可是我对她的爱不能说不深; 她占有你,才是我主要的烦忧, 这爱情的损失更能使我伤心。 爱的冒犯者,我这样原谅你[们]: 你所以爱她,因为晓得我爱[她]; 也是为我的原故她把我欺[瞒], 让我的朋友替我殷勤款待[她]。 失掉你,我所失是我情人所获, 失掉她,我朋友却找着我所[失]; 你俩互相找着,而我失掉两个, 两个都为我的原故把我磨[折]: 但这就是快乐:你和我是一体; 甜蜜的阿谀!她却只爱我自己。 (梁宗岱 译) |
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