LVIII<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" /> That god forbid, that made me first your slave, I should in thought control your times of pleasure, Or at your hand th’ account of hours to crave, Being your vassal bound to stay your leisure. O let me suffer (being at your beck) Th’ imprisoned absence of your liberty, And patience tame to sufferance bide each check, Without accusing you of injury. Be where you list, your charter is so strong, That you your self may privilage your time To what you will, to you it doth belong, Your self to pardon of self-doing crime. I am to wait, though waiting so be hell, Not blame your pleasure be it ill or well. 58 但愿当初使我成为你奴仆的神 禁止我的心核查你的良辰春宵, 或不许我渴望看你的时间账本, 既然为奴,就得任你自在逍遥1 哦,让我惟命是从,让我忍受 你自由地离去所留给我的禁锢; 让我俯首帖耳地吞下每次苛咎, 并绝不因你伤害我而抱怨诉苦。 无论你想去哪儿,你那份契据 都使你拥有特权随意支配时间; 你同时也拥有特权去宽容姑息 你自己的所作所为犯下的罪愆 哪怕等待是地狱,我也只有等待, 不怪你寻欢作乐,管它是好是歹。 |
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