LXXI<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" /> No longer mourn for me when I am dead, Than you shall hear the surly sullen bell Give warning to the world that I am fled From this vile world with vilest worms to dwell: Nay if you read this line, remember not, The hand that writ it, for I love you so, That I in your sweet thoughts would be forgot, If thinking on me then should make you woe. O if (I say) you look upon this verse, When I (perhaps) compounded am with clay, Do not so much as my poor name rehearse; But let your love even with my life decay. Lest the wise world should look into your moan, And mock you with me after I am gone. 71 我死去的时候别再为我悲哀, 当你听见那沉重凄惨的葬钟 普告给全世界说我已经离开 这龌龊世界去伴最龌龊的虫: 不呀,当你读到这诗,别再记起 那写它的手;因为我爱到这样, 宁愿被遗忘在你甜蜜的心里, 如果想起我会使你不胜哀伤。 如果呀,我说,如果你看见这诗, 那时候或许我已经化作泥土, 连我这可怜的名字也别提起, 但愿你的爱与我的生命同腐。 免得这聪明世界猜透你的心, 在我死去后把你也当作笑柄。 |
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