LXXVIII<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" /> So oft have I invoked thee for my muse, And found such fair assistance in my verse, As every alien pen hath got my use, And under thee their poesy disperse. Thine eyes, that taught the dumb on high to sing, And heavy ignorance aloft to fly, Have added feathers to the learned’s wing, And given grace a double majesty. Yet be most proud of that which I compile, Whose influence is thine, and born of thee, In others’ works thou dost but mend the style, And arts with thy sweet graces graced be. But thou art all my art, and dost advance As high as learning, my rude ignorance. 78 我常常把你当诗神向你祷告, 在诗里找到那么有力的神助, 以致凡陌生的笔都把我仿效, 在你名义下把他们的诗散布。 你的眼睛,曾教会哑巴们歌唱, 曾教会沉重的愚昧高飞上天, 又把新羽毛加给博学的翅膀, 加给温文尔雅以两重的尊严。 可是我的诗应该最使你骄傲, 它们的诞生全在你的感召下: 对别人的作品你只润饰格调, 用你的美在他们才华上添花。 但对于我,你就是我全部艺术, 把我的愚拙提到博学的高度。 |
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