LXXXIX<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" /> Say that thou didst forsake me for some fault, And I will comment upon that offence, Speak of my lameness, and I straight will halt: Against thy reasons making no defence. Thou canst not (love) disgrace me half so ill, To set a form upon desired change, As I’ll my self disgrace, knowing thy will, I will acquaintance strangle and look strange: Be absent from thy walks and in my tongue, Thy sweet beloved name no more shall dwell, Lest I (too much profane) should do it wronk: And haply of our old acquaintance tell. For thee, against my self I’ll vow debate, For I must ne’er love him whom thou dost hate. 89 说你抛弃我是为了我的过失, 我立刻会对这冒犯加以阐说: 叫我做瘸子,我马上两脚都躄, 对你的理由绝不作任何反驳。 为了替你的反复无常找借口, 爱呵,凭你怎样侮辱我,总比不上 我侮辱自己来得厉害;既看透 你心肠,我就要绞杀交情,假装 路人避开你;你那可爱的名字, 那么香,将永不挂在我的舌头, 生怕我,太亵渎了,会把它委屈; 万一还会把我们的旧欢泄漏。 我为你将展尽辩才反对自己, 因为你所憎恶的,我绝不爱惜。 |
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