CII My love is strengthened though more weak in seeming, I love not less, though less the show appear, That love is merchandized, whose rich esteeming, The owner’s tongue doth publish every where. Our love was new, and then but in the spring, When I was wont to greet it with my lays, As Philomel in summer’s front doth sing, And stops her pipe in growth of riper days: Not that the summer is less pleasant now Than when her mournful hymns did hush the night, But that wild music burthens every bough, And sweets grown common lose their dear delight. Therefore like her, I sometime hold my tongue: Because I would not dull you with my song. 102 我的爱加强了,虽然看来更弱; 我的爱一样热,虽然表面稍冷: 谁把他心中的崇拜到处传播, 就等于把他的爱情看作商品。 我们那时才新恋,又正当春天, 我惯用我的歌去欢迎它来归, 像夜莺在夏天门前彻夜清啭, 到了盛夏的日子便停止歌吹。 并非现在夏天没有那么惬意 比起万籁静听它哀唱的时候, 只为狂欢的音乐载满每一枝, 太普通,意味便没有那么深悠。 所以,像它,我有时也默默无言, 免得我的歌,太繁了,使你烦厌。 |
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