CXIX<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" /> What potions have I drunk of Siren tears Distilled from limbecks foul as hell within, Applying fears to hopes, and hopes to fears, Still losing when I saw my self to win! What wretched errors hath my heart committed, Whilst it hath thought it self so blessed never! How have mine eyes out of their spheres been fitted In the distraction of this madding fever! O benefit of ill, now I find true That better is, by evil still made better. And ruined love when it is built anew Grows fairer than at first, more strong, far greater. So I return rebuked to my content, And gain by ills thrice more than I have spent. 119 我曾喝下了多少鲛人的泪珠 从我心中地狱般的锅里蒸出来, 把恐惧当希望,又把希望当恐惧, 眼看着要胜利,结果还是失败! 我的心犯了多少可怜的错误, 正好当它自以为再幸福不过; 我的眼睛怎样地从眼眶跃出, 当我被疯狂昏乱的热病折磨! 哦,坏事变好事!我现在才知道 善的确常常因恶而变得更善! 被摧毁的爱,一旦重新修建好, 就比原来更宏伟、更美、更强顽。 因此,我受了谴责,反心满意足; 因祸,我获得过去的三倍幸福。 |
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