CXXII<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" /> Thy gift, thy tables, are within my brain Full charactered with lasting memory, Which shall above that idle rank remain Beyond all date even to eternity. Or at the least, so long as brain and heart Have faculty by nature to subsist, Till each to razed oblivion yield his part Of thee, thy record never can be missed: That poor retention could not so much hold, Nor need I tallies thy dear love to score, Therefore to give them from me was I bold, To trust those tables that receive thee more: To keep an adjunct to remember thee Were to import forgetfulness in me. 122 你赠我的手册已经一笔一划 永不磨灭地刻在我的心版上, 它将超越无聊的名位的高下, 跨过一切时代,以至无穷无疆: 或者,至少直到大自然的规律 容许心和脑继续存在的一天; 直到它们把你每部分都让给 遗忘,你的记忆将永远不逸散。 可怜的手册就无法那样持久, 我也不用筹码把你的爱登记; 所以你的手册我大胆地放走, 把你交给更能珍藏你的册子: 要靠备忘录才不会把你遗忘, 岂不等于表明我对你也善忘? |
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