CXXXV<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" /> Whoever hath her wish, thou hast thy will, And ‘Will’ to boot, and ‘Will’ in over-plus, More than enough am I that vex thee still, To thy sweet will making addition thus. Wilt thou whose will is large and spacious, Not once vouchsafe to hide my will in thine? Shall will in others seem right gracious, And in my will no fair acceptance shine? The sea all water, yet receives rain still, And in abundance addeth to his store, So thou being rich in will add to thy will One will of mine to make thy large will more. Let no unkind, no fair beseechers kill, Think all but one, and me in that one ‘Will.’ 135 假如女人有满足,你就得如“愿”, 还有额外的心愿,多到数不清; 而多余的我总是要把你纠缠, 想在你心愿的花上添我的锦。 你的心愿汪洋无边,难道不能 容我把我的心愿在里面隐埋? 难道别人的心愿都那么可亲, 而我的心愿就不配你的青睐? 大海,满满是水,照样承受雨点, 好把它的贮藏品大量地增加; 多心愿的你,就该把我的心愿 添上,使你的心愿得到更扩大。 别让无情的“不”把求爱者窒息; 让众愿同一愿,而我就在这愿里。 |
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