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W. B. Yeats - The Pilgrim 汉译

2011-11-26 23:47| 发布者: 小山的风| 查看: 1609| 评论: 0|来自: 英文巴士

摘要: 傅浩 译

I fasted for some forty days on bread and buttermilk,

For passing round the bottle with girls in rags or silk,

In country shawl or Paris cloak, had put my wits astray,

And what’s the good of women, for all that they can say

Is fol de rol de rolly O.


Round Lough Derg’s holy island I went upon the stones,

I prayed at all the Stations upon my marrow bones,

And there I found an old man and though I prayed all day

And that old man beside me, nothing would he say

But fol de rol de rolly O.


All know that all the dead in the world about that place are stuck,

And that should mother seek her son she'd have but little luck

Because the fires of purgatory have ate their shapes away;

I swear to God I questioned them, and all they had to say

Was fol de rol de rolly O.


A great black ragged bird appeared when I was in the boat;

Some twenty feet from tip to tip had it stretched rightly out,

With flopping and with flapping it made a great display,

But I never stopped to question, what could the boatman say

But fol de rol de rolly O.


Now I am in the public house and lean upon the wall,

So come in rags or come in silk, in cloak or country shawl,

And come with learned lovers or with what men you may,

For I can put the whole lot down, and all I have to say

Is fol de rol de rolly O.






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