To one who has been long in city pent, ’Tis
very sweet to look into the fair And
open face of heaven,— to breathe a prayer Full
in the smile of the blue firmament, Who
is more happy, when, with heart’s content, Fatigued
he sinks into some pleasant lair Of
wavy grass, and reads a debonair And
gentle tale of love and languishment? Returning
home at evening, with an ear Catching
the notes of Philomel,— an eye Watching
the sailing cloudlet’s bright career, He
mourns that day so soon has glided by: E’en
like the passage of an anngel’s tear That
falls through the clear ether silently. June 1816 “对于一个久居城市的人” J·济慈 对于一个久居城市的人, 看看天空的明媚的面貌, 对着蔚蓝的苍穹的微笑 低低发声祷告,多么怡情! 他可以满意地,懒懒躺在 一片青草的波浪里,读着 温雅而忧郁的爱情小说, 有什么能比这个更愉快? 傍晚回家了,一面用耳朵 听夜莺的歌唱,一面观看 流云在空中灿烂地飘过, 他会哀悼白天这样短暂: 它竟像天使的泪珠,滑落 清朗的气层,默默地不风。 1816年6月 |
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