<?xml:namespace prefix = o /> Give me a golden pen, and let me lean<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" /> On heap’d up flowers, in regions clear, and far; Bring me a tablet whiter than a star, Or hand of hymning angel, when ’tis seen The silver strings of heavenly harp atween: Pink robes, and wavy hair, and diamond jar, And half discovered wings, and glances keen. The while let music wander round my ears, And as it reaches each delicious ending, Let me write down a line of glorious tone, And full of many wonders of the spheres: For what a height my spirit is contending! ’Tis not content so soon to be alone. November 1816 清晨别友人有感 J·济慈 给我一支金笔吧,让我靠守 一柱花,在明媚缥缈的境域; 给我一块比星星更晶白的 方石,不然就给我天使的手 好把歌颂天庭的银弦弹奏: 让珍珠的车驾,粉红的衣裙, 鬈发,明眸的眼,钻石的花瓶, 和半显的翅翼在眼前飘走。 让乐声在我的耳边缭绕, 而当每一曲悠悠地告终, 让我写下哪怕一行辉煌的 音节,充满天庭的百般美妙: 呵,我的心正攀登多高的高峰! 它不愿这样快就独行踽踽。 1816年11月 |
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