Byron, how sweetly sad thy melody, Attuning
still the soul to tenderness, As
if soft Pity with unusual stress Had
touch’d her plaintive lute; and thou, being by, Hadst
caught the tones, nor suffered them to die. O’ershading
sorrow doth not make thee less Delightful:
thou thy griefs dost dress With
a bright halo, shining beamily; As
when a cloud a golden moon doth evil, Through
the dark robe oft amber rays prevail, And
like fair veins in sable marble flow. Still
warble, dying swan,—still tell the tale, The
enchanting tale—the tale of pleasing woe. 1814. 给拜伦 J·济慈 拜伦!你的歌声多么甜蜜 而悒郁,教人心里生出温情, 仿佛是“悲悯”曾弹低诉的琴, 你听到了,便把那音阶铭记, 使它得以流传。幽暗的悲伤 并没有使你的魅力减少; 在你的悲哀上,你给覆盖了 一轮光晕,使它灿然放光, 仿佛是遮住满月的云雾, 它的边缘镶着耀眼的黄金, 琥珀的光辉从黑袍下透出, 又似乌云石上美丽的脉纹; 垂死的天鹅呵,请娓娓地唱, 唱你的故事,你悦人的悲伤。 1814年 |
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