<?xml:namespace prefix = o /> Oh! How I love, on a fair summer’s eve,<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" /> When streams of light pour down the golden west, And on the balmy zephyrs tranquil rest The silver clouds, far—far away to leave All meaner thoughts, and take a sweet reprieve From little cares:— to find, with easy quest, A fragrant wild, with Nature’s beauty drest, And there into delight my soul deceive. There warm my breast with patriotic lore, Musing on Milton’s fate—on Sydney’s bier— Till their stern forms before my mind arise: Perhaps on the wing of poesy upsoar,— Full often dropping a delicious tear, When some melodious sorrow spells mine eyes. 1816.
“呵,在夏日的黄昏” J·济慈 呵,在夏日的黄昏,当晚霞 向西方倾注着万道金光, 当白云歇在和煦的西风上, 我多愿意远远地、远远抛下 一切卑微的念头,暂时摆脱 小小的顾虑,好随处去寻觅 芬芳的野景,自然的秀丽, 把我的心灵骗入一刻欢乐。 我愿意用过去的爱国事迹 温暖自己的心,冥想锡德尼 冷酷的尸架,密尔顿的命运, 或许我还能借助诗的羽翼 而翱翔,并且流洒温馨的泪, 若是嘹亮的忧伤迷住了眼睛。
1816年 |
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