This pleasant tale is like a little copse: The honied lines do freshly interlace,<?xml:namespace prefix = o /> To keep the reader in so sweet a place, So that he here and there full hearted stops; And oftentimes he feels the dewy drops Come cool and suddenly against his face, And by the wandering melody may trace Which way the tender-legged linnet hops. Oh! what a power has white simplicity! What mighty power has this gentle story! I, that do ever feel athirst for glory, Could at this moment be content to lie Meekly upon the grass, as those whose sobbing Were heard of none beside the mournful robbins. February 1817. 写在乔叟“花与叶的故事”的末页空白上 J·济慈 这可爱的故事像个小丛林: 甜蜜的词句如此翠绿交缠, 读者关在小小的天地里面 感到哪些美妙,他常常全心 停下来浏览,而清凉的露滴 有时会不意地落在脸上, 他也可以循着歌声的回荡 看细脚的红雀向何处跳去。 呵,晶莹的单纯是多么动人! 这文雅的故事多富于魅力! 而我,尽管总是渴求荣誉, 这一刻,却满足地躺在草中, 就像那两个孩子,与世隔离, 只有知更鸟听他们的哭泣。 1817年2月 |
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