It keeps eternal whispering around Desolate
shores, and with its mighty swell Gluts
twice ten thousand caverns; till the spell Of
Hecate leaves them their old shadowy sound. Often
’tis in such gentle temper found That
scarcely will the very smallest shell Be
moved for days from whence it sometime fell, When
last the winds of heaven were unbound. O
ye who have your eyeballs vext and tir’d, Feast
them upon the wideness of the sea; O
ye whose ears are dinned with uproar rude, Or
fed too much with cloying melody— Sit
ye near some old cavern’s mouth and brood Until
ye start, as if the sea nymphs quired. 1817 咏海 J·济慈 沿着荒凉的海岸,它发出 永恒的喋喋;有时潮水汹涌, 它就加倍淹没了千万岩洞, 直到又被赫凯蒂①的魔符 所迷,复归于喃喃的波声; 在这种时候,你往往看到 曾由狂飙卷来的小小贝壳 会静止多日,动也不动。 呵,请放眼于大海的广阔, 假如你的双目迷惑、厌倦; 假如你的耳朵苦于喧腾 或袅袅之音,请坐在洞边 默默沉思吧,直到你一惊: 仿佛有海中仙女在唱歌! 1817年 ①
赫凯蒂,希腊神话中主宰魔咒与鬼魅的女神。 |
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