Time’s sea hath been five years at its slow ebb; Long
hours have to and fro let creep the sand, Since
I was tangled in thy beauty’s web, And
snared by the ungloving of thy hand: And
yet I never look on midnight sky, But
I behold thine eye’s well-memoried light; I
cannot look upon the rose’s dye, But
to thy cheek my soul doth take its flight: I
cannot look on any budding flower, But
my fond ear, in fancy at thy lips, And
hearkening for a love-sound, doth devour Its
sweets in the wrong sense.—Thou dost eclipse Every
delight with sweet remembering, And
grief unto my darling joys dost bring. February 1818 给—— J·济慈 自从我被你的美所纠缠, 你裸露了的手臂把我俘获, 时间的海洋已经有五年 在低潮,沙漏反复过滤着时刻。 可是,每当我凝视着夜空, 我仍看到你的眼睛在闪亮; 每当我看到玫瑰的鲜红, 心灵就朝向你的面颊飞翔; 每当我看到初开放的花, 我的耳朵,仿佛贴近你唇际 想听一句爱语,就会吞下 错误的芬芳:唉,甜蜜的回忆 使每一种喜悦都黯淡无光, 你给我的欢乐带来了忧伤。 1818年2月 |
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