O that a week could be an age, and we Felt
parting and warm meeting every week; Then
one poor year a thousand years would be, The
flush of welcome ever on the cheek. So
could we live long life in little space; So
time itself would be annihilate; So
a day’s journey, in oblivious haze To
serve our joys, would lengthen and dilate. O
to arrive each Monday morn from Ind, To
land each Tuesday from the rich Levant, In
little time a host of joys to bind, And
keep our souls in one eternal pant! This
morn, my friend, and yester evening taught Me
how to harbor such a happy thought. March 1818 “但愿一星期能变成一世纪” J·济慈 但愿一星期能变成一世纪, 每周都有感于离别和会见, 那么,颊上会永远闪着情谊, 短短的一岁就变成一千年; 要是这样,尽管人生短暂, 我们必能长生,时间会无用, 一天的行程会延长和变缓, 在朦胧中常保我们的欢情。 但愿每星期一都来自印度, 星期二返自地中海的旅程, 那么一瞬间,就有欢乐无数 使我们的心灵永恒地激动! 今早和昨晚,朋友,教给了 我该如何珍惜这愉快的思潮。 1818年2-3月 |
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