Hearken, thou craggy ocean pyramid, Give
answer by thy voice, the sea fowls’ screams! When
were thy shoulders mantled in huge streams? When
from the sun was thy broad forehead hid? How
long is’t since the mighty power bid Thee
heave to airy sleep from fathom dreams— Sleep
in the lap of thunder or sunbeams, Or
when grey clouds are thy cold coverlid? Thou
answer’st not, for thou art dead asleep; Thy
life is but two dead eternities, The
last in air, the former in the deep— First
with the whales, last with the eagle skies; Drown’d
wast thou till an earthquake made thee steep— Another
cannot wake thy giant size! July 10, 1818 咏阿丽沙巉岩 J·济慈 喂!你海洋上巉岩的金字塔, 瀑布几时披上了你的肩膀? 你的额角几时躲开了太阳? 请以海鸥的叫喊给我回答! 有力的造物主几时让你离开 海底的梦,把你举上天空的 睡眠,在雷电或阳光的情里, 而白云成了你寒冷的被盖? 呵,你不答;因为你在睡眠。 你一生是两个死寂的永恒: 一端伴着鲸鱼,在海底深渊; 另一端在巨鹰翱翔的空中! 除非是地震把你拔上青天, 谁能将你巨大的身体唤醒! 1818年7月10日 |
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