I cry your mercy—pity—love!—aye, love, Merciful
love that tantalizes not, One-thoughted,
never wand’ring, guileless love, Unmask’d,
and being seen—without a blot! O,
let me have thee whole, —all, —all— be mine! That
shape, that fairness, that sweet minor zest Of
love, your kiss, those hands, those eyes divine, That
warm, white, lucent, million-pleasured breast, — Yourself
— your soul — in pity give me all, Withhold
no atom’s atom or I die, Or
living on perhaps, your wretched thrall, Forget,
in the mist of idle misery, Life’s
purposes, —the palate of my mind Losing
its gust, and my ambition blind. December 1819. “我恳求你的仁慈” J·济慈 我恳求你的仁慈,怜悯,爱情! 呵,我要仁慈的爱情,从不诳骗; 要它无邪、专一、别无二心, 袒开了胸怀——没一点污斑! 哦,让我整个拥有你,整个的! 那身姿、美色、眼、手和你的吻—— 一种甜蜜而次要的爱欲,—— 以及那胸脯:玉洁、温暖、透明、 储有万千乐趣;呵,统统给我: 你,和你的灵魂,别留一星星; 否则我会死;或者,也许活着, 成为你悲惨的奴隶,被投进 暗淡苦恼的迷雾里,失去了 生活的情趣、雄心和目标! 1819年10-12月 |
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