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2013-7-18 00:10| 发布者: sisu04| 查看: 66| 评论: 0|来自: 英文巴士

摘要: 陈德彰 译

Restlessness Reflected in Study-Weary and Study-Pretense of Leading Cadres

Xiong Jianhua


To read a book, read only the cover, and to read newspapers, read only the major titles. Books are kept only for show and newspapers are treated simply as waster paper.


Obviously study-weary and study-pretense reflects a typical restlessness that is manifested in some cadres’ attitude towards reading: They have neither interest in studying nor willingness to or are in any mood to study. As a matter of fact, quite a few Party carders hold similar attitude like this. For example, some grass-root level leading members are suffering from serious dependent mentality though they are but minor officials. They let their secretaries do everything from writing reports to attending Party lectures, while they themselves only put up a show by reading out documents or written drafts word for word. Some leading cadres are suffering from habitual evasion. Their names always appear in the list for investigation but they actually seldom take part in real investigations. They simply ignore any chance to study through practice or from the masses. Some leading cadres are suffering from the bad habit of resorting to deception. They manage to obtain fake diplomas as their “passport of knowledge”. They are nothing but fake academic masters who never attach any importance to reading but are good at playing tricks. Still some Party cadres have caught study-weariness. They are never in a proper state when studying. When listening to lectures, they are always listless and absent-minded, or nodding off when the lecturer is speaking in earnest. Some of them simply went off after registering their names in the attendance book. Though such cadres often say that “I have fallen behind the times in learning” and that “I feel the urgent need to enhance my ability”, when it comes to actual study there are nonchalant, showing no urgency at all. If such weariness, and sluggishness in and desertion of study go on day by day and even year by year, great amount of valuable time and opportunities of study will be lost, and large number of things that must be studied constantly will flash away before one’s eyes and may never come back again.


Leading cadres at different levels all have their own “domain” whose people they are supposed to lead. If they are always weary of study or put on a pretense of study, and want to treat and solve new problems with old methods according to their old experience, they shall never be able to pilot the aircraft of scientific development “Forward”.


(陈德彰 译)






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