等到一地银杏满地金黄, 才知道冷面的秋,决绝不可挽留。 风的语言擦身而过,寒暄, 留下透明空间。 我开始明白—— 那已经是冬天的距离。 有雾自迷蒙眼底升起 在遥远的灰暗,那么接近 而且凄然美丽, 充满矛盾的绝望与期盼 徘徊在秋的清冷与春的挑逗; 有一种潮湿,不是昨夜春情, 而是冬天灰色的大海。 那是一种澎湃的心酸拒绝, 就像在漫长的岁月里 去抵挡那些无法抵挡 漫然而来,飘然而去的季节。 你问我如何让冬天名分保持清白, 我回答以苍白容颜,星霜鬓发, 还有在奇里门札罗山巅,皑白冰雪 一只海明威的豹! 那是另一种透明与坚持, 另一种冬天的距离, 沉默,并且遥不可及。
The Distance of Winter Zhang
the ground beneath a gingko is gold, I
know cold-faced autumn absolutely cannot be held. The
words of wind brush by, an exchange of heat and cold, Leaving
behind a translucent space. I
begin to know— Already
it is the distance of winter. There
is a fog rising from the haze behind my eyes In
the distant gloom, so near And
coldly pretty, Despair
big with contradiction and expectation Lingering
in the desolation of autumn and the provocation of spring; There’s
a dampness, not last night’s feeling of spring, But
the great gray sea of winter. That
is a billowing poignant refusal, Just
as if amid the endless years Trying
to stop the unstoppable Seasons
that breezily arrive then drift away. You
ask me how to let winter keep its pure identity, I
reply, with a pale face, a twinkling frost on my temples And
a leopard of Hemingway At
Kilimanjaro, pure white ice and snow! That
is another kind of persistence and transparency, Another
type of winter distance, Silent,
and far beyond reach.
(Michael Day 译) |
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