英语口译、笔译资料下载 China’s
Growth: Why Less is More 中国的经济增长:为什么慢一些反而可能好?
October 29, 2013 2013
年10 月29 日
Less growth in China today will
mean higher income in the future. So rather than worry, we should welcome the
slowdown in China’s economy. Why? Because by favoring structural reforms over
short-term stimulus, China’s leadership is illustrating their commitment to
move to a more balanced and sustainable growth model.
model is not sustainable 当前的模式不可持续
Borrow and spend, or in China’s
case, borrow and invest works great to prop up growth. At least for a while. But
eventually, debt rises, investment becomes less productive, and the risks rise.
Fortunately, China’s economy
still has considerable buffers. The risks to the outlook in the near-term,
therefore, is extremely low. But the economy is becoming more vulnerable on
several fronts: surging credit, strains on local government finances, and
weakening balance sheets in parts of the corporate sector. Credit provides the
clearest example. A broad measure of credit (total social financing) had held
steady at about 130 percent of GDP for much of the 2000s. However, since 2008,
it has shot up to around 200 percent of GDP: an increase of 70 percent of GDP
in 4½ years.
Not surprising, therefore, that
investment is also booming. Investment accounts for nearly half of the economy’s
output, which is among the highest in the world. Indeed, it is also high
relative to the historical experience of other fast growing economies. As more
output goes into investment, less goes into consumption. Indeed, in the past
decade consumption’s share of output has declined significantly. Reversing this
trend requires rebalancing growth away from investment and towards consumption.
balanced and sustainable growth 更加平衡和可持续的增长
Achieving more balanced and
sustainable growth will hinge on implementation of a package of reforms. Let’s
focus on two areas of the package: further strengthening of the financial
sector and opening the service sector to more competition. Done together, these
reforms could provide another one-two punch analogous to state enterprise
reform in the late 1990s and joining the World Trade Organization, which
propelled growth in the 2000s.
A more market-based financial
system will better channel household savings to productive uses. This means
more credit to dynamic start-ups in the service sector—the type of firms
currently squeezed out of the credit market. For this to work, the market for
services needs to be more competitive, so these dynamic start-ups can actually
start-up. Think healthcare, education, financial services, logistics, utilities,
and telecom to name a handful. These new firms will, in turn, create jobs. And,
the service sector tends to be more labor intensive than industry. More labor
intensive growth means more household income, and higher household income means
more consumption. Financial sector
reform would also boost household income from investments directly. Bank
deposits, where savings are often parked, have offered zero or often negative
returns when adjusted for inflation. In a more market-based system, households
would do much better than zero.
but better 更慢,但更好
There’s a catch: in this new
model growth would be slower. In the coming years, taming rising risks in the
economy—by reigning in credit growth and rationalizing investment—will likely
slow the economy. Put simply, less stimulus means less growth. Reform itself
could also entail adjustment costs in the transition, with some short run
impact on growth.
We estimate that with reforms
China’s growth could average around 6 percent a year from now to 2030. By all
measures—except perhaps China’s 10 percent average annual growth over the past
30 years—this would be a fantastic outcome. Especially when compared to a
status-quo scenario, in which China could very well get stuck in the
middle-income trap and income per person would peak at around 25 percent of
that in the United States in 2030. In contrast, with successful reforms, income
per person in China could reach 40 percent of the U.S. level by 2030.
The new model would also deliver
higher quality growth. Higher quality because it would improve living standards
by boosting employment, income, and consumption; use less natural resources
and be more environmentally friendly;
and, most importantly, be sustainable.
Good for
China and Good for the World 对中国好,对世界也好
Somewhat slower growth in the
near-term is a tradeoff worth making for higher future income. This is clearly
good not only for China, but also the world economy. By 2030 China—especially
with successful reforms—will almost certainly be the world’s largest economy.
So China’s success—which will substantially increase income in China—will also
mean much higher global demand and will thus be hugely important for a robust
and healthy global economy.
Less growth in China today in
exchange for more, much more, income in the future. So, less is indeed more.
中国当前的增长减缓将换来未来收入的显著提高。所以,慢一些真的反而会更好。 |
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