三、推进生态文明建设的基本原则和重点任务 III.
Priority tasks in promoting the development of an ecological civilization
A comprehensive plan for the
promotion of ecological progress was outlined in the political report to the
Eighteenth National Congress of the CPC. The report clearly states that we must
incorporate the idea of ecological civilization into every aspect of economic,
political, cultural, and social progress; step up efforts to develop a
resource-conserving and environmentally friendly society; and strive to build a
beautiful China, so as to realize lasting and sustainable development for the
Chinese nation and make due contributions to global ecological security.
In order to promote ecological
progress, we must observe the following important principles whilst taking the
Scientific Outlook on Development as our guide. First, we must continue to
regard respecting, accommodating to, and protecting nature as essential
requirements, work to use resources in a more efficient way, and improve the
quality of our ecological environments, thereby achieving a new approach to
modernization that is characterized by the harmonious coexistence of humans and
nature. Second, adhering to the fundamental principles of giving priority to
conservation, protection, and natural restoration, we should strive to achieve
green, circular, and low-carbon development. In doing so, we need to develop
China’s geographical space, industrial structures, and modes of production and
living that are conducive to the conservation of resources and the protection
of the environment. Third, continuing to put people first, we must regard
meeting the ever-growing material and cultural needs of the people in a
sustainable manner as the purpose and ultimate goal of our initiatives. On that
basis, we must ensure that our efforts to achieve ecological progress are made
for the people, and dependent on the people. We need to create sound working
and living environments for the people, and leave to our future generations a beautiful
homeland with green fields, clean waters and blue skies. Fourth, we must
continue to draw on reform and opening up, and scientific innovation as
fundamental driving forces, establish a sound framework of institutions with
regard to ecological progress, and develop a long-term mechanism to ensure the
progression of ecological civilization. At present, and for a period of time to
come, we must lay emphasis on the following key initiatives as we work to
promote ecological progress.
1. We need to effectively promote
the implementation of our strategy of development priority zones and optimize
our country’s developmental layout. The State Council has promulgated the National Plan for Developing Priority Zones.
The sound implementation of this plan will allow us to approach ecological
progress in a comprehensive and systematic manner, thereby ensuring that our
national development is characterized by coordination between population,
resources, and the environment. First, we need to strengthen supervision over
the implementation of the plan. We need to ensure that local authorities make
the appropriate regional plans in accordance with the strategy of development
priority zones, and we also need to clearly define the respective
responsibilities of the central government and governments at the provincial,
municipal, and county levels. The departments of the State Council need to
carry out their respective initiatives under the guidance of the plan,
strengthen their supervision and inspection of the plan’s implementation, and
coordinate overall considerations concerning population distribution, economic
layout, and land use in order to fully implement the plan. Second, we need to
provide stronger policy assurances. We need to accelerate the implementation of
fiscal and tax, investment, industrial, and land policies that facilitate the
development of priority zones. The central government needs to increase
transfer payments designed to equalize access to basic public services in major
agricultural production areas, central and western regions, poverty-stricken
areas, key ecological function areas, and nature reserves. In addition, it also
needs to enhance the capacity of governments to provide public services in
areas where development activities are prohibited or limited, with a view to
promoting balanced development between regions. Third, we need to create a
scientific and rational framework of urbanization, agricultural development,
and ecological security strategies. By integrating the notion of ecological progress
throughout our new approach to urbanization, we need to pursue a mode of
urbanization that is characterized by clearly defined functions, the rational
distribution of industries, prominent regional advantages and features, and
accommodation to the capacity of resources and the environment. We need to
promote regionalization, specialized production, and large-scale operation in
agriculture. In addition, we need to maintain the quantity and the quality of
farmland in our country, and ensure adequate supply of agricultural products.
By doing so, China’s agricultural development will not only demonstrate the new
trend of centralizing the farming of major agricultural products in areas where
they are ideally suited, but will also reflect the actual state and features of
our natural agricultural resources. In addition to the above, we need to
effectively protect areas that have a bearing on national ecological security,
restore and enhance the ecological functions of key ecological function areas,
and form an ecological security layout that is comprised primarily of forest
vegetation, and also includes grasslands. Fourth, we need to make overall plans
for land and sea development. Based on a stronger awareness that we are a major
maritime nation, we must attach equal importance to our terrestrial territory
and territorial sea while bearing in mind the relatively independent nature of
the maritime system, and strike a balance between land exploitation, maritime
exploitation, and the protection of coastal belt. We also need to step up the
development of modern marine industries, make constant efforts to boost the
marine economy, protect the marine ecological environment, enhance our capacity
to provide diversified marine ecological products, and resolutely safeguard
China’s maritime rights and interests, with a view to establishing China as a
leading maritime nation.
2. We need to accelerate the
change of our growth model and promote the transformation of modes of
production. Only by accelerating the transformation of our growth model will we
be able to address the root cause of excessive resource consumption and the discharge
of pollutants, and fundamentally mitigate the conflicts that exist between
economic growth, the conservation of natural resources, and the protection of
the environment. First, we need to adjust our industrial structure. We need to
make major efforts to develop service industries and strategic emerging
industries so as to raise their share in the national economy. At the same
time, we must work faster to eliminate backward production capacity, center
industries around competitive enterprises, and encourage the overseas
relocation of surplus production capacity in an orderly manner. Second, we must
use resources economically and intensively. In a bid to overcome resource
constraints, we need to step up the conservation and comprehensive utilization
of resources in all regards, significantly lower the intensity of our energy,
water, and land consumption, effectively cap our total water usage, exploit
mineral resources in a rational manner, and strictly control the use of land.
At the same time, we need to revolutionize the way that we produce and consume
energy, devote major efforts to the development of new and renewable energies,
and cap our overall energy consumption, with a view to guaranteeing China’s
energy security. Third, we need to promote green, circular, and low-carbon
modes of production. All industries are expected to make fundamental changes to
their modes of production in line with the requirements of conserving resources
and protecting the environment. In industrial production, we need to completely
discard an extensive growth model that is characterized by high input and heavy
pollution, and make constant efforts to promote energy conservation and
emissions reduction. At the same time, in accordance with the principles of
reducing waste and resource consumption, reusing resources, and recycling
waste, we need to promote clean production and develop a circular economy. In
agricultural production, we need to actively develop ecological agriculture and
organic agriculture, and steadily enhance our overall agricultural production
capacity in order to guarantee food security. Moreover, we need to drastically
reduce the use of pesticides and chemical fertilizers with a view to improving
agricultural ecologies.
3. We need to urge rational
consumption habits in order to foster civilized lifestyles. Though consumption
habits and lifestyles may appear to be trivial, they are in fact significant
social issues, not only having a direct impact on resources and the environment
at all times, but also having an indirect bearing on modes of production.
Therefore, each and every one of us needs to make an effort in this regard,
bearing in mind that every little thing counts. First, we need to establish
sound consumer attitudes. By carrying out publicity and educational
initiatives, we must ensure that China’s resource shortages and fragile
environments are known to the people. This will help us to raise public
awareness with regard to environmental protection and ecological issues. With
that as a basis, we must urge the people to save every drop of water, every
unit of electricity, every piece of paper, and every grain of rice. By
fostering a social atmosphere in which frugality is applauded and wastefulness
is looked down upon, we will strive to make resource conservation and
environmental protection a mainstream value for 1.3 billion Chinese people.
Second, we need to develop rational consumer habits. Advocating green and
resource-conserving modes of consumption, we must urge people to consume in a
way that is both rational and scientific, so as to bring about healthy and
frugal lifestyles that are conducive to the reduction of pollution. At the same
time, we need to improve the capacity of urban and rural areas to provide
public services, use price leverage to encourage people to adopt green
lifestyles and commuting in an environmentally friendly way, and boost the
consumption of energy-conserving, low-carbon, and environmentally friendly
products. Moreover, we need to enforce mandatory standards on energy saving,
and promote the wide use of renewable energies and environmentally friendly
materials. We also need to step up our efforts to develop green and low-carbon
communities, and encourage individuals, households, and enterprises to curb
waste and uncivilized behavior. Third, we need to create clean living
environments. In order to make our living environments greener, cleaner, and
more beautiful, we should engage in major efforts to support green
transportation; widen the use of clean energy sources such as natural gas,
methane, solar energy, and wind power; reduce vehicle exhaust emissions,
industrial discharges, and wind-borne dust from construction sites; promote the
sorting and recycling of garbage; and strengthen the concentrated disposal of
hazardous waste. A particular emphasis should be placed on the rectification of
rural environments. We will carry out rural cleanup projects, and adopt a
garbage disposal mode in which domestic waste is gathered on a per household
basis, collected by village authorities, and transported by town level
authorities for concentrated disposal. These efforts will allow us to create
new rural communities characterized by centralized residence, sound ecological
environments, and function-based public services.
4. We need to strengthen
ecological protection and restoration in order to create a sound ecological
environment. We need to lay emphasis on both protection and restoration, do
more to repair ecological damage, devote more resources to ecologically fragile
areas, and work to achieve a sound balance between natural ecosystems and human
habitations. First, we need to strengthen the monitoring of the environment and
the prevention of natural disasters. In strengthening our monitoring of the
environment, we need to impose strict standards on environmental quality
control, and improve the means by which we conduct monitoring in order to lay
down foundations for the prevention and control of pollution. We also need to
strengthen the development of monitoring, early warning, and information
release systems for meteorological, geological, and seismic disasters. By
improving measures for the prevention and mitigation of natural disasters, we
will be better able to respond to such adversities. Second, we need to
strengthen the protection of ecosystems. Particular emphasis should be given to
the protection of natural forests, and to building upon advances that have
already been made in the restoration of forests and grasslands from farmland
and the restoration of grasslands from grazing land. At the same time, we also
need to give particular emphasis to the protection of forest and grass
vegetation, rivers, lakes, and wetlands, and to safeguarding wildlife and
biodiversity. We need to strengthen our protection of water sources, and take steps
to accelerate the reinforcement of aging reservoirs and sluices, the
implementation of key projects for farmland irrigation, and the relocation of
people in disaster-prone areas. Moreover, solid steps should be taken to
promote urban and rural afforestation and develop major ecological screens, in
order to make ecosystems more stable. Third, we need to carry out major
ecological restoration projects, and step up efforts to resolve outstanding
environmental problems that are detrimental to public health, such as water,
soil, and air pollution. At the same time, we need to take comprehensive steps
to control desertification, rocky desertification and soil erosion; work harder
to prevent and control water pollution in key watersheds and areas; make efforts
to restore and improve the water ecosystems of ecologically fragile rivers,
lakes, and areas; and intensify our efforts to control heavy metal pollution
and soil pollution. By adopting a range of measures, we also need to
effectively control greenhouse gas emissions. Fourth, we need to enhance our
capacity to produce and supply ecological products. Considering that ecological
products are of direct benefit to the general public, we need to intensify our
protection of ecological resources, such as forests, water sources, wetlands,
and grasslands, and by doing so enhance our capacity to supply ecological
5. We need to devote major
efforts to promoting progress of science and technology in order to underpin
ecological progress. Above all else, we will need to rely on progress of
science and technology to resolve the problems that we face with regard to
resources and the environment. Progress of science and technology will allow us
to constantly enhance our capacity to use resources efficiently, control
pollutant discharge, and recycle waste. First, we need to accelerate innovation
with regard to key technologies. Keeping pace with new technological advances
around the world, we need to strengthen basic research and applied research,
and place an emphasis on making key breakthroughs in regard to energy
conservation, clean energy, and circular economies, so as to gain the edge in
international new technological competition. We need to make active efforts to
develop technologies in several areas, such as core technologies with regard to
the manufacturing of major equipment for advanced coal-fired power plants and
nuclear power plants, key energy-conserving technologies in major
energy-intensive industries, and integrated technologies for clean production in
heavy-polluting sectors, in order to ensure that our energy consumption and
pollutant discharge per unit of GDP in the manufacturing of major industrial
products reaches or comes close to world-class standards. In response to new
trends in international development, we need to make breakthroughs in key
technologies with regard to air pollution control in city clusters,
non-conventional pollutant control, and waste recycling, thereby reducing
pollutant emissions and leaving China with more room to maneuver in cutting
carbon emissions. Second, we need to promote the widespread use of advanced
technologies, establish closer links between innovation, application, and
promotion, and establish a mechanism for collaboration between enterprises,
universities and research institutes, with enterprises playing the dominant
role. We need to formulate supporting policies to promote the low-cost and
large-scale exploitation and utilization of renewable energies such as solar
power, wind power, and bioenergy. By employing measures such as pricing,
accelerated depreciation, and government subsidization, we need to step up our
efforts to eliminate or upgrade backward production capacity and backward
technologies, and promote the development of green industries such as the energy
conservation industry, resource recycling industry, environmental protection
industry, and renewable energy industry. Through these efforts, we will ensure
that enterprises are able to benefit from the industrial application of new
technological advances, and that people are able to widely enjoy the ecological
benefits brought about by progress of science and technology.
6. We need to continue to make innovations with regard to institutions and mechanisms in order to improve the institutional framework of ecological civilization. The promotion of ecological civilization is a lengthy process, one which requires a standardized, permanent, and stable institutional environment that can give rise to binding long-term mechanisms. First, we need to deepen pricing reform for resource products. We need to make appropriate adjustments to the prices of resource products in order to encourage the economical use of resources. In working to renew mechanisms for the pricing of resource products, we need to optimize mechanisms for the pricing of electricity from hydro, nuclear, and renewable energy sources; improve reform schemes for the tier-based pricing of household electricity; take steady steps to promote public bidding among power plants for the right to supply electricity to power grids; and proceed with price reforms for electricity transmission in an orderly manner. In addition, we also need to continue with trials for pricing reforms, thereby improving a mechanism whereby prices are determined through consultation between the government, enterprises, and consumers. Second, we need to intensify the reform of resource and environment taxes and fees. Taking into consideration the interrelated relationship between prices, taxes, fees, and rent, we need to appropriately raise resource tax, promptly introduce environmental taxes, and improve the means by which these taxes are calculated. In addition, we need to actively explore ways of increasing the cost of environmental pollution through the collection of taxes and fees, with a view to reducing the discharge of pollutants. Third, we need to improve resource compensation and trading systems. On the basis of having project developers take responsibility for environmental protection while end-users assume responsibility for compensation, we need to step up efforts to establish an ecological compensation mechanism, look into setting up a dedicated national fund for ecological compensation, and promote the establishment of a reserve fund system for the sustainable development of resource-based enterprises. We need to develop third-party agencies to verify energy savings and carbon emissions, and encourage enterprises to actively participate in energy efficiency trading and carbon emission trading. We also need to improve the water rights system, launch water rights trading, and standardize the transfer of water rights. In addition, we need to deepen the reform of a cap-and-trade system for pollutant discharge rights. Fourth, we need to establish a sound statistical evaluation system. We need to establish a system of goals that demonstrate the requirements of an ecological civilization, and integrate resource consumption, environmental damage, and ecological benefits as criteria in our systems for the appraisal of economic and social development. We also need to raise awareness of ecological civilization among leading officials, look into setting different evaluation goals for different priority zones, attach more weight to ecological performance indexes in appraisals, and gradually improve systems for the performance assessment and appointment of officials. Fifth, we need to strengthen relevant laws and regulations. We need to improve the system of accountability for ecological and environmental protection and the system of compensation for environmental damage. Moreover, we need to strengthen environmental monitoring, improve systems for information release and public participation, establish the strictest possible system for environmental law enforcement, and increase the cost of violating environmental law, thereby regulating social behavior on the basis of a strong legal system. |
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