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2014-1-5 17:10| 发布者: sisu04| 查看: 21| 评论: 0|来自: 中华人民共和国外交部

摘要: Vice Foreign Minister Liu Zhenmin’s Comments on Asian Situation and Neighborhood Diplomacy


Forging Ahead with Determination, Playing the Main Melody of Asian Cooperation



--Vice Foreign Minister Liu Zhenmin’s Comments on Asian Situation and Neighborhood Diplomacy




Journalist: In 2013, Asia holds an increasingly important status and exerts larger influence in the international pattern. Many people believe that this century is bound to be the “Century of Asia”. As the Vice Minister of Foreign Affairs in charge of Asian affairs, what are your comments on the current situation in Asia and its development trend?




Liu Zhenmin: For Asia, the year of 2013 is a year of development and cooperation. Against the backdrop of an in-depth development of world multi-polarization and economic globalization, the political and economic situation in Asia remains stable in general, and Asia’s status and influence over the international affairs have continued to rise. The rise of the Asian countries as a whole has become a prominent factor that influences the trend of the international situation.




In 2013, Asia enjoyed good governance and harmony, and boosts tremendous development potentials and bright cooperation prospects. First, Asia is still the world’s major engine for economic growth. Asia’s emerging economies continue to maintain relatively rapid growth, and the International Monetary Fund (IMF) forecasts that, their growth rate for this year will reach 6.3 percent, which is more than twice of the average growth rate of the world. Second, the situation in Asia is stable in general. The Asian countries have reached broad consensus that they would pursue peace, stability, development, and properly handle divergences through friendly consultations. Third, regional cooperation in Asia has increasingly deepened. Asia has become the most dynamic region in global free trade cooperation. Its regional economic integration system is improving, and its political and security cooperation are strengthening continuously.




On the other hand, Asia is also faced with some risks and challenges. Constrained by factors such as the external environment and its own economic structural adjustment, the growth rate of Asia’s emerging economies has begun to slow down, and the pressure of economic downturn is increasing. There are still uncertainties influencing regional peace and stability. Hotspot issues and difficult problems frequently happen, and non-traditional security challenges are still severe.




At present, all Asian countries are committed to developing the economy, improving people’s livelihood and enhancing mutual beneficial cooperation. I believe that, with the joint efforts of peoples from all countries, Asia will continue to create new wonders.




Journalist: The new central leadership has put forward a series of new ideas and new measures for the diplomatic work. China and other Asian countries enjoy intensive high-level mutual visits, and diplomacy in Asia has shown many bright spots. How do you evaluate China’s diplomacy in Asia over the past year?




Liu Zhenmin: The year of 2013 is an extraordinary year which marked the first and also a productive year for the diplomatic work of the new generation of the central leadership. We have more clearly made the neighborhood diplomacy a priority of China’s diplomacy. The neighborhood diplomacy has opened up a new vista and yielded productive results one after another, displaying a bright view of China’s diplomacy.




We focus on improving relations with other Asian countries, and have basically had high-level exchanges with almost all Asian countries. President Xi Jinping attended the Boao Forum for Asia Annual Conference 2013 in April, and attended the APEC Informal Leadership Meeting and visited Indonesia and Malaysia in October. Premier Li Keqiang chose India and Pakistan as stops for his first foreign visit, attended the China-ASEAN Expo and met with leaders of five ASEAN member states in September, and attended the East Asian leaders’ meetings and visited Brunei, Thailand and Vietnam in October. We have upgraded China’s relations with Indonesia and Malaysia to the comprehensive strategic partnerships, and promoted cooperative relations with Brunei and Sri Lanka. Chinese Premier and Indian Prime Minister exchanged visits in 2013, the first time the mutual visits are finished in the same year since more than fifty years ago. Chinese Premier and Pakistani Prime Minister exchanged visits within two months. According to incomplete statistics, China has had about 70 mutual visits with the East Asian countries and South Asian countries at the level of foreign minister or above, with talks and meetings in bilateral and multilateral occasions of about 300 person times, and has signed over 200 cooperative agreements. We substantially implement the policy of building good neighborly relationships and partnerships with neighboring countries, comprehensively promote cooperation with neighboring countries, and good-neighbor and friendliness has been advanced to a new stage.




To make China’s development better benefit the neighboring regions and promote the common development of China and the neighboring countries, we have proposed a series of major cooperation initiatives, including signing the treaty of good-neighborliness and friendly cooperation between China and the ASEAN countries, establishing the Silk Road Economic Belt and the 21st century Maritime Silk Road, forging the upgraded version of China-ASEAN Free Trade Area, preparing to establish the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank, and building China-Pakistan Economic Corridor and Bangladesh-China-India-Myanmar Economic Corridor. These initiatives are conducive to promoting mutual benefit, win-win results and long-term development of the region, and thus have received positive responses.




We focus on the overall peace and stability in the region, actively participate in the resolution of regional hotspot issues, and are committed to working with neighboring countries to jointly create the regional environment with peace, stability, equality, mutual trust, and cooperation for win-win results. We vigorously promote exchanges and cooperation with neighboring countries in fields such as culture, education, youth-to-youth communication, media and tourism, which has improved mutual understanding and friendly affection with neighboring countries.




As a member of the big Asian family, China and other Asian countries share weal and woe, and form an inseparable community of common destiny. China will, as always, adhere to the policy of bringing harmony, security and prosperity to the neighbors, seeking stability and create prosperity together with other Asian countries.






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